Chapter 16

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It had been a week. Byeol's one month at Dol Dam got completed. Days were going peaceful when at evening four people who just arrived at Dol Dam looked at it.

A guy disappointed by how small it was said, "Well I haven't even started to work here yet, but I wanna go back. I can't believe they work in such a small hospital."

His teammate replied, "Well we can still go back, sir would be more happy with that." The first guy looked at him and said, "But I won't be, so let's go in."

The four of them went in. Manager Jung seeing them asked, "Yes how may I help you?" The second guy removed a paper and gave it to Manager Jung and said, "Starting today my team will be working here for three months. I'm Lee Dae Hyun."

Manager Jung was quite happy to see new people join in but them not giving a notice a week before was suspicious. He then said, "Well I think I should take you to meet our director. Please follow me."

The four of them nodded and one of them asked, "Where should we keep the bags?" Manager Jung looked at Mr. Lee the vice manager and answered, "He will take care of them, so please follow me."

Director Park who was in his office working on something got a call. It was from the XX Director Choi Gyu Man. He picked up and started talking. While having the conversation he was shocked to hear the sudden request he made. Gyu Man was known to be a very selfish man, the request he asked was shocking for Min Guk.

The phone ended and there was a knocked on his door, he gave the permission to enter. Manager Jung came in with the four staff from XX hospital and said, "Sir, they came here with this letter, but since no advance notice was given I brought them here." Finishing what he wanted to say, Manager Jung handed Min Gul the letter.

Min Guk looked at them and was shocked to see who the staff that requested a three month transfer here were. Lee Dae Hyun and Choi Woo Bin, the cause of Byeol's transfer here. He had a feeling this was gonna affect her a lot. Now he had an idea as to why they have came here.

Woo Bin walked forward and with a sweet smile said, "Hello, I'm Choi Woo Bin, the son of Choi Gyu Man. It's a pleasure to meet you, I have heard a lot about your managing skills and of course you are a well known surgeon as well. I hope we get along well in the future."

Min Guk smirked while looking at the transfer paper and said, "Well I haven't even accepted you yet." Woo Bin's smile went away hearing that. He then in a serious voice said, "Well I have heard there is a shortage in staff plus you guys have never pushed away the doctors who want to learn and save many patients with their will and knowledge."

Min Guk looked at them  and smiling said, "I was just joking, you guys are welcomed here to learn as much as you want. You are right, this place is for doctors who are passionate about saving people, a hospital without politics."

Hearing this all four of them narrowed their eyes knowing what Director Park was indicating. Dae Hyun came forward and said, "Well that's why we are here."

Min Guk nodded his head and said, "Welcome to Dol Dam! I never thought such skilled people would like to learn from us! Everyone would be delighted to meet you guys and I would personally love to hear what motivated you guys wanting to come here, let's go I would like to introduce you guys to our staff."

The six of them got down and entered the ER room. All the staff present for the day looked at them and seeing Woo Bin glanced at each other, because everyone knew the reason Byeol was sent here.

Nurse Oh came forward and asked, "Oh why is the genius Woo Bin here?" Director Park replied, "Well let me introduce you guys, they are going to be here for three months to train from us. They have came here from XX Hospital."

Dae Hyun came a step forward and introduced himself, "Hello I'm Dae Hyun a GS, I'm in my fourth year. These are my underlings Choi Woo Bin Yoo Ji Ho and Ki Min Jae is a nurse." They all bowed and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you all, We hope we get to learn a lot from you."

Kim Sa Bu seeing them asked, "OHooo what are you guys doing here? Especially Director Choi's son?"

Woo Bin smiled and answered, "Well during the bridge incident that happened a week ago, I was amazed to see the staff of Dol Dam hospital work. They all were so quick and passionate about saving people. I was inspired! I would like to learn such skills and passion!"

Nurse Oh hearing this said, "Well passion always comes from within." Woo Bin smiled at her and replied, "Of course! My passion to learn has brought me here, when I told my father I wanted to learn from Dol Dam, these three tagged along as they wanted to learn as well."

Min Jae whispered to Ji Ho, "More like we are forced to!" To which Ji Ho answered, "I know right!"

Woo Bin looked around and not finding Byeol asked, "Well where are the staff we saw at the rescue team?" Nurse Eom smiled and answered, "Well Dr. Woo Jin and Dr. Byeol are in the operation with Nurse Park attending them so they will take time, while Dr. Eun Jae and Dr. Yeon Jun starts their duty at evening, so they might be on their way."

Here Yeon Jun and Eun Jae came in together as on the way seeing Eun Jae Yeon Jun picked her up. Woo Jin just came in after telling Byeol to wrap up the operation.

The three of them looked at the new people in confusion. But Yeon Jun was more then confused. He felt a anger inside him, he wanted to ask just why they are here!

After 2 mins Byeol came out with Nurse Park smiling. Nurse Park was complimenting her about how she was 15 seconds quicker today. Byeol was about to thank him but....

Seeing Dae Hyun she was shocked, angered and sad. Just why did her betrayer come here? She then asked, "What are they doing here?" Everyone from, Dol Dam looked at her with empathy because they knew what Byeol must be going through right now.

PS : Do you guys want face reveal of Woo Bin, Dae Hyun and the other two staff that tagged with them?"

Extra Scene

The weekend when Yeon Jun's mother arrived to keep his stuff. Byeol had just came back from grocery shopping and seeing her she approached and asked if she was Yeon Jun's mom. Knowing it's her, Byeol introduced herself and helped her to move the things. Seeing her pick up such heavy things easily his mother was happy. The work was done earlier then she thought because of Byeol.

She then asks, "So you work at Dol Dam right?" Byeol nodded and answered, "Yes ma'am, in fact I used to work at XX Hospital as well, so I knew Yeon Jun senior from before."

The mother smiled in surprised and said, "Oh really!? Well that's great! I hope you take care of Yeon Jun." Byeol smiled and said, "I will try my best, well ma'am, should I cook something for you, you must be hunger from after doing so much work."

The mother was about to say yes, when Yeon Jun entered and said, "Well there is no need for that because I got us some snacks. And why have you guys kept the door open?"

The mother got up and the mother son shared a hug and greeted each other. Then the mother answered, "We just sat down after unboxing and putting your things away."

Yeon Jun smiled and said, "Oh really, thank you so much for making my work less, but Byeol shi, you didn't have to do all that, your back was sprained from the ride anyways! But thank you! Oh here the keys of your bike! I refilled the tank!" Saying that he gave her the keys and smiled at her, Byeol smiled back.

The mother feeling something between them smiled. She liked Byeol the moment she offered to help when she didn't have to and she was very polite.


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