Chapter 22

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Byeol looked at him and replied, "Aren't you asking for too much! I just don't understand what is going inside your head! First you take my credits, which I don't care that you did so, I'm more sad about the betrayal I received. I was there for a year doing that internship, gave my all and wished to grow there! But it's your hospital that betrayed me and I was sent here in the excuse of discipline! Then you, the reason for my betrayal suddenly comes here and says he likes me! Yeah so what if you like me!? It doesn't mean I have to accept your feelings! Oh wait, let's not go there, you asked for a chance to get my forgiveness but it seems like you just wanted to get closer to me so you have a chance, first you get your things straight! What do you truly want from me! My forgiveness or feelings."

Saying that she walked away. And in the corner she spotted Yeon Jun, seeing him she smiled happily and asked, "Worried about me senior?" Yeon Jun nodded half heartedly because he was worried and jealous.

Woo Bin stared at the floor as Byeol's words kept repeating inside his head. He then started to walk away and decided to go home. When he reached home started to realize what Byeol said was true, he was asking her forgiveness because he wanted to have a chance with her, he was not even sorry for what he had done.

He just wanted to play the nice guy to win Byeol. Realizing that fact he knew what he should do instead.

While at Dol dam thankfully there were not many urgent patients so the night went peacefully.

Next morning the staff who's shift had ended got ready to leave and the new staff came. Since the staff had increased they now had a personal life friendly schedule.

Byeol and Yeon Jun left for home with his car. On the way Yeon Jun asked, "Should we have breakfast at the soup restaurant or do you want to have breakfast at home?"

Byeol, who was sleepy, answered, "I think we should have it at the restaurant, I'm way too tired to make anything." Yeon Jun nodded and they headed to the restaurant.

The lady greeted them sweetly knowing they had a night shift. Almost everyone there knows how hectic it is on a Friday at Dol dam. She told them that they did great work and prepared their food, and gave them some extra side dishes and a bowl of rice as service.

Byeol, who was sleepy, dozed off while eating. Yeon Jun seeing her smiled and slowly shaked her up and siad, "Byeol shi, you have to eat, get up!"

Byeol in a sleepy voice said, "It's okay, let me sleep for five minutes." Yeon Jun replied, "Should I feed you then?" Hearing this Byeol got up and said, "Oh no that's okay, I will finish my meal." Saying that she started eating quickly, soon they finished eating and after thanking the owner for the delicious meal and paying for it they left for home.

Reaching home they said their goodbyes and entered their own home. Byeol went straight to the sofa too tired to do anything, and slept peacefully.

While Yeon Jun went to take a shower as he didn't prefer sleeping before showers. While in the shower he was thinking of the conversation between Byeol and Woo Bin.

He sighed thinking, "Ah!! Byeol saw me standing there and hearing their conversation. I should apologize to her, I'm sure she thinks I'm some obsessed guy, I should trust her more. I know she could handle her own situations but I can't help it, my body just starts to go towards her. I gotta get a grip or else I could never ask her out like this."

Byeol hearing the alarm get up and looking at the time, she knew she had to get ready fast as she had to cook as well.

She had a quick shower and started getting ready, she looked at the time and realized she didn't have time to cook much so she should just have a bowl of ramen. She was about to heat the water when her doorbell rang and she wondered who it could be.

She opened the door and saw it was Yeon Jun with five lunch boxes. Byeol was about to deny the offer as he cooks a lot for her and she feels guilty but Yeon Jun said, "Well mom told me to make sure I share the side dishes she made with you, since you helped a lot, I hope you don't reject it."

Byeol smiled and said, "How can I reject eomonie!" Saying that she took the box's, she offered him to eat together but Yeon Jun sweetly declined saying, "Well I have my plate ready, plus I have to get ready as well. So Let's meet in fifteen minutes if it's fine with you?"

Byeol nodded and said, "Oh that's perfect! Meet you in fifteen minutes then!"

Yeon Jun nodded a yes with a smile and left. Byeol while closing the door thought, 'Why did it feel like he wanted to stay away from me? Ah I must be overthinking, of course he should have his own personal time, I should remember to not invite him so often!'

Saying that she set up the table and after keeping the box's in the fridge she started eating. After eating she quickly took the things she needed and left.

Yeon Jun came out at the same time. Both smiled at each other and went down. They got in the car and Yeon Jun started driving. While driving Yeon Jun said, "I'm sorry."

Byeol looked at him confused so she asked, "For what senior?" Yeon Jun smiled in guilt and answered, "For eavesdropping your conversation with Woo Bin, I won't give any excuse about it because I know I'm wrong."

Byeol smiled and answered, "Well I understand why you followed us, you were worried about me, I know that. But still thank you for apologizing, but I don't mind you eavesdropping by the way! Because I know that's because you worry about me and thank you for worrying about me senior."

Yeon Jun blushed and thought, 'The reason why I worry is different from what you imagine Byeol shi.' and took a glance at Byeol. 

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