Chapter 2

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After the operation was successful the operation staff came out. Kim SaBu who was out for some work came back as well. Everyone was gathered in the ER. Ms. Oh then decided to introduce Byeol to everyone and said, "Kim SaBu, the new intern is finally here." Saying that she pointed at Byeol.

Byeol looked up and saw everyone looking at her. Byeol then in a formal tone introduced herself, "Hello everyone I'm Kang Byeol. A intern in GS."

Everyone looked at her and waited for her to say something but seeing that she was done the staff had mixed feelings because of what they had heard, they thought not to judge but she gave a very small introduction causing them to be on guard.

After everyone introduced themselves as well Kim Sabu cleared his throat and said, "Well anyways. Good that you are here, You can start after your injury is healed if you want. Right now the director is absent so you don't have to report to him and just join in."

Byeol nodded a no and said, "It's okay I will work from tomorrow." Everyone just nodded as they were uncomfortable with her tone of voice. It was flat like she is not interested in talking to anyone. They wanted to know why she was transferred but looking at her decided otherwise.

Here Byeol was just too tired to speak, because of the painkiller and IV drip she didn't realize the tone of her voice. Here the other staff misunderstood her due to the rumors. Before she came it was said that she was kicked out because she was rude and not a team sport.

Everyone slowly went away from her doing their work. While Byeol looked for a place to sleep. Not finding any accommodations she sighed, she didn't want to disturb others by asking where she can stay.

Suddenly Gi Tae came and said, "Looks like you are the new GS. We gladly accept new doctors as we have shortage in staff. Please contact me whenever you need me. I'm Jang Gi Tae the manager of the world famous Doldam hospital."

Byeol looked at him for few second while Gi Tae stared back at her. Byeol then awkwardly asked, "Where can I stay?" Gi Tae moved his head and said, "Oh that's the thing troubling you. Well for tonight, you can sleep in the GS resting area. Tomorrow I will give you the list of places you can choose to stay. Please follow me." Saying that he guided her to the GS rest room.

Byeol sighed looking around. She kept her bag aside and after getting a little freshen up.

Here everyone was gathered. Nurse Eom looked around and not seeing Byeol whispered to Nurse Joo and Dr. Yoon, "What do you think about Kang Byeol?"

Nurse Joo smirked and said, "What's there to think? She got kicked out from her previous hospital, I'm sure she is bad at her job that's why they sent her here." Dr. Yoon who had another opinion said, "Nope, she is just bad with speaking, her skills were good, she even performed CPR while her hand was injured that too for five mins. Plus she gave a very accurate information about the patient."

Nurse Oh who was hearing everything said, "No one is normal here, she might become the latest collection of Doldam weirdos. Let's wait and watch." All nodded their head in agreement and Nurse Eom said, "Let's see what happens."

Here Byeol came out after taking a quick shower avoiding the injured part. Suddenly her stomach growled. She wanted to eat but didn't want to ask anyone for their help. She knew that the way she introduced herself was bad, but she was sure that no one would care for an intern anyway and would just order her to get things.

Only her senior Dae Hyun had treated her well and taught her things. She wanted to go back soon. But she was happy that her practice wasn't stopped. She was sure they had heard why she came here so they would judge her.

She then decided to just sleep as she was too tired.

Here in Seoul after Byeol left, Dae Hyun entered a cabin and said, "Sir I have sent her to Doldam hospital. I told her she would be there for at least a year."

The man he was reporting to smiled satisfied with the news and said, "Well congratulations you are promoted, but remember to teach my son well, he has to be the best! And to the thing I told you to do."

Dae Hyun smiled and said, "Of course sir, I will teach him everything. Please don't worry I will make him the best!"


Ms. Oh entered Kim SaBu's office and said, "Kim SaBu what do you think about Kang Byeol?" Kim SaBu who was reading a document looked at her and answered, "For now I don't know. Let's wait and watch. For now just report me if you find something suspicious."

Ms. Oh nodded and said, "Yes, I will keep that in mind. But I don't think she would have caused few death of patient because she was ignoring her duty, she saved the little girl by getting hurt herself."

Kim SaBu just chuckled and said, "That's why I'm waiting, to see her skills as well. I don't believe those big hospitals anyway, they can easily dispose those who they don't like just for their own benefits." Ms. Oh nodded, finally understanding why he said to wait and said, "Well then I shall take my leave, you should rest as well." Saying that Ms. Oh left.

The next morning Manger Jung bumped into Nurse Eom who asked, "What do you think of Byeol?" Manager Jung replied, "Well for now I only know she was suspended from her previous hospital because she caused 3 deaths due to her carelessness."

Hearing this new information Nurse Eom gasped and said, "Wait is that true!? We have to be careful." Here manager Jung realizing that he just said something he shouldn't have excused himself.

Nurse Eom didn't waste anytime and informed everyone else about this. They all decided to avoid letting her treat the patients. Ms. Oh who just entered asked, "What are you guys talking about?" All of them smiled and said, "Oh nothing." And scattered around.

Eun Jae and Ah Reum arrived and greeted everyone. Everyone greeted them back. Ah Reum then asked, "Is Kang Byeol yet to come?" Everyone hearing her name looked at each other. While the confused Eun Jae who had a off asked, "Who is Byeol?"

Ah Reum smiled and said, "Oh she is the new GS intern!" Eun Jae nodded and said, "Ah I see, it's nice to see new people coming here." Ah Reum nodded and said, "Yes I even think she is quite talented."

Young Mi looked at Eun Jae and asked, "Is it really good though?" Eun Jae looked at her and asked, "Why do you say so?"

Hearing this Nurse Eom pulled Ah Reum and gestured her to not say that. Eun Jae and Ah Reum looked at her with a questioning gaze. Nurse Eom then calling them closer to her told them what she heard from manager Jung and also told them what the nurses had decided to do.

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