Born a Warrior

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"He was born a true warrior, he has the skills to be the greatest warrior in the whole kingdom! Why would you want to hold him back?"

"He may be a great fighter, but I won't allow him to have his main focus to be all about fighting," Alexander heard his father say behind closed doors. "He should focus on the kingdom and its needs. I won't have this kingdom fail because of my mistake." 

"Mistake? B-But he loves to fight. If you force him to stop, he may disobey and become rebellious, he'll act worse than the low-lives."

"Don't talk about my son like one of those filthy scums!" He heard his father yell. Alexander felt sick to his stomach from hearing that word being said by his father of all people.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. But he does love to fight, it's his passion. He loves to fight. Why stop him from doing what he loves?"

Alexander put his ears to the door, he also wondered why his father was arguing whether or not he could fight. Not like he would ever.

"Because when I die, he'll become king in my place," father spoke sternly. "And if I die, I don't want my son to rely on strength and well-power to protect this kingdom. And if he does rely on it, then I not only failed as a king, but a father as well... this kingdom had peace for twenty years, I'm not allowing my son to end it." 

Alexander stepped away from the door, feeling down. He then walked away, walking to his mother's room for comfort. Down the hallway pass the portraits of great kings of the past, past the room of the lards, and pass the family portrait–

He stopped to look up at the portrait. His father stood behind his mother who sat on a chair, and Alexander stood by his mother.

He stayed there for a while, thinking. He knew he is a great fighter even for his age, he knew that there is more to taking care of the kingdom than fighting, and he knew his father didn't like him fighting considering he'll come to his competition drunk.

But he doesn't want to stop fighting, he loves it, it's his passion like the other person said. Besides what will the people think? That he gave up fighting? For what? To do whatever his father does?

Alexander looked down at his hands, seeing the old and newer scars from his five years of fighting in the competitions and training. He clenched his fist and then decided to march his way to the training field with his head held high. 

He'll show his father that he should be allowed to fight, that having the skills to fight is a great aspect for a king. 

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