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"I believe those books aren't your studying books," Alexander stared up from his book to seeing the royal adviser standing over him.

"I'm taking a little break, but you shouldn't be worried since I'm still reading, a book" Alexander said as he got back into the book.

"You certainly are fond of these books you own," the royal adviser said as he took the book out of Alexander's hands, he examined the book's cover.

"Hey! You should have asked!" Alexander shouted, snatching the book back, making sure he or the adviser didn't damage the book.

"When will you ever stop reading those childish books about monsters and princesses? It's all fake, even if the author claims it's real," the royal adviser stated, taking off his glasses to clean them. "It's all a fairytale." 

"I'll stop reading whenever I want to, but unfortunately that day isn't today," Alexander snapped, getting annoyed, but stopped as he stared back at the adviser. "But what if these stories are true?"

"Then we would know or heard about these things actually happening, but no one has," the royal adviser spoke, putting his glasses back on. "Monsters are not real, and no princesses are locked away in towers. All of those 'Angel of Death's' books are fake and unrealistic."

Alexander nodded, but it was still fun to think about if they were real, he thought. "Okay... can you go? I like to read in peace," he asked.

"As you wish, your highness," the royal adviser bowed and left. 

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