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Alexander watched as the knights trained out in the field, he wished to be out there, training with them, but his father made him focus on his studies and such.

"Your highness, you must pay attention," he heard his tutor speak to him, he turned to glare at the man.

"For what? I don't need to listen to you. I'm the prince, you must bow down when you speak to me," he growled as he stood up and exited the room. He could care less about what his father wanted for him, he cared more about his wants and needs.

He decided to walk to his mother's room, up the stairs, down the hall, and to the right. He saw two guards standing in front of his mother's room.

"Sorry, your highness, but you are not allowed to enter this room," one of the two guards said.

"Allow me to enter," he demanded as he stood in front of the two guards, his arms crossed. "I am the prince, you shall do as I say."

"We have strict orders from the king to not allow anyone to enter this room," the other guard stated.

Alexander rolled his eyes. "I'm the future king, shouldn't you both take my orders?"

"You're not the king yet, may I remind you," Alexander turned to look at the person who said that, it was a noble, some lord he didn't know. "You must listen to your father's rule until you are."

"I don't need to listen to anyone," he barked. "What is your name? I must know so I could exile you."

The noble chuckled at his threat, seeming to find it amusing. "You may not know my name, but I am sure you know my son, Cy as they like to call him."

Alexander glared at the man, then turned away, stomping as he made his way down to the throne room.

He heard rumours that Cy's family had inherited a grand sum of money from a distant relative, but he didn't know they also inherited a title as grand as a lord as well. How would his father allow this? Allow poor people from the farm lands to live near the castle? This is an outrage to the kingdom.

Alexander reached the throne room, opened the doors wide and made his way to his father. "I want to see my mother, allow me to see her," he demanded. 

Father sighed heavily and looked away from his servant that was showing him some papers, and over at his son. "Alexander, you must know that your mother is deeply ill and is bedridden, she needs rest and quiet. You and your little tantrums won't be allowed to disturb her rest."

"She is my mother. I should be allowed to see her," he stated as he stood in front of his father, clearly angered. "And may I ask why you allowed poor people into the castle?"

"As king I must be accepting of all. Now, why are you not studying? You know your studies are more important than your training," Father said as he waved off the servant. "You don't want to disappoint me."

Alexander huffed and stomped away, back where he came from. There was no arguing with his father, he always had to have his way with his future and his life. Alexander hated it, but he also knew he was right. His mother was ill for the past few weeks, barely could eat or drink water, and couldn't even stand on her own.

Alexander decided to suck up to his father for now and went back to his studies, where his tutor was waiting for him. 

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