Fighting duo

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Another day, another battle. They have been having a spree of fighting in wars, joining wars for no reason other than the fun of fighting.

Sometimes they would play around, they would fight each other as 'enemies' only because they pretended to be on different sides. It was great training for Techno to fight Phil as his enemies, it was also fun when one of them would betray their team.

They started to be known as a fighting duo, people would fear and respect them. They were grateful when they were fighting on their side, but always kept an eye open just in guessing they'd betray them.

Techno and Phil, the fighting duo. They would conquer nations and destroy their enemies, both with a bright grin on their face. Phil had forgotten the feeling of fighting and he fell in love with it all over again, and Techno loved each time he killed a person, and the voices seemed to love it as well. 

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