'They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?'

"Tell that oaf of yours to watch his back," Malfoy spat. Right now, his arm was around my shoulder, him leaning on me for support as we walked to the hospital.

"Do you ever shut up?" I asked, dragging him faster.

"Do you ever stop hanging out with mudbloods and blood traitors?" Malfoy retorted.

"Do you ever stop believing in blood supremacy and realize that this world isn't going to change? Purebloods are going to die out. You're not going to rule this world. And don't you ever speak about my friends again. Yours are the worst possible people I have ever known. Thanks to your lowdown, rotten Father," I snapped, stopping in the middle of the hallway. I let go of Malfoy.

"What the hell did you just say, Potter?" Malfoy asked snidely, pushing me into a wall. I slowly looked down at his hands on my shoulders.

"I know you won't do anything, Malfoy," I commented.


"Get your hands off me, now, or I will hex you," I said calmly.

The boy removed his hands.

He's already seen what I can do.

"Confundo! Flipendo! Furnunculus!" Aurora yelled, pointing her wand at Draco. The boy firstly grew confused, walking in circles, then flew back, groaning as he landed on the hard floor. He soon grew blemishes all over his face, as Aurora laughed and the Gryffindor's applauded her.

"Miss Potter, it seems I cannot trust you to leave your opponents unscathe-" Snape started, but could not finish as Draco was already up, ready to attack the girl. She was too quick.

"Ah," She tutted, "Expelliarmus."

The boy flew back again, as his wand went directly into the girls hand. She smirked, throwing it to his limp arm.

"Miss Potter. This is dueling class, not harass your classmates class," Snape sighed, "You may have a seat."

Aurora turned to walk away, but Draco wasn't done yet.

That was the day Aurora learned her and Harry could both speak Parseltongue.

And Draco learned not to mess with Aurora.

"Learn your place, Malfoy. You're not better than me," I spat, grabbing him by his not hurt arm and started to drag him to the hospital.

He stopped, started laughing, "I'm not? Both your parents died. One was a blood traitor, and one was a mudblood. Both my parents are alive and purebloods."

I sat there in silence for a few seconds, processing what he just said.

"You know what you are? A sad little boy, who doesn't know what to do with himself because his father controls him. You pick on other people because you're so insecure. All you talk about is blood, when will you realize it's more than that? You don't even see muggleborns as humans! Like they're just disgusting creatures who don't even belong here. Well guess what Draco, times have changed! And keep my parents name's out of your mouth, they'll forever be better than yours. And get out of my sight, walk yourself to the hospital if it hurts so bad," I finished, staring at him with my head tilted. I didn't even want to deal with him, so I whipped my head the other way and briskly walked away. I didn't want to miss any classes, so I'd have to calm myself down fast, then get to my next class immediately.

"Potter!" Malfoy called, I ignored him, starting to run.

Draco's point of view

Currently, Potter was walking me to the hospital, after that beast had tore my arm apart.

"Tell that oaf of yours to watch his back," I spat, leaning my non-hurt arm over the girls shoulder for support.

"Do you ever shut up?" She asked, dragging me faster.

"Do you ever stop hanging out with mudbloods and blood traitors?" I retorted. I was not going to let Aurora Potter boss me around. Everyone else might take it, but not me.

"Do you ever stop believing in blood supremacy and realize that this world isn't going to change?
Purebloods are going to die out. You're not going to rule this world. And don't you ever speak about my friends again. Yours are the worst possible people I have ever known. Thanks to your lowdown, rotten Father," She snapped, stopping in the middle of the hallway. She let go of me, as I clutched my bleeding arm.

I'll admit, I was shocked at this tangent speech she created.

I admired the girl's naivety, she thought she knew everything.

It still pissed me off.

"What the hell did you just say, Potter?" I asked snidely, pushing her into the nearest wall. I watched her slowly looked down at my hands on her shoulders.

"I know you won't do anything, Malfoy," she remarked. She was right, I wouldn't hurt her, but I'd hurt her brother. Still, I liked to mess with her.

"Yeah?" I smirked looking into her eyes.

"Get your hands off me, now, or I will hex you," She said calmly. Honestly, I believed her. Which is why I decided to back up. I mean, would you want to have bats coming out of your nose for the thirtieth time?

I didn't think so.

I've seen what this girl can do.

I just wanted to go to the hospital, but of course she had to keep talking.

"Learn your place, Malfoy. You're not better than me," She spat, grabbing me by my non-hurt arm, starting to drag me to the hospital.

Potter was playing a dangerous game.

I stopped abruptly, started laughing, "I'm not? Both your parents died. One was a blood traitor, and one was a mudblood. Both my parents are alive and purebloods."

It went completely silent.

I watched her expression change as she started to

"You know what you are? A sad little boy, who doesn't know what to do with himself because his father controls him. You pick on other people because you're so insecure. All you talk about is blood, when will you realize it's more than that?
You don't even see muggleborns as humans! Like they're just disgusting creatures who don't even belong here. Well guess what Draco, times have changed! And keep my parents name's out of your mouth, they'll forever be better than yours. And get out of my sight, walk yourself to the hospital if it hurts so bad," She finished, quickly walking away to Gryffindor tower.

I stopped, remembering what the girl had said.

She called me Draco, Potter called me Draco, instead of Malfoy. That was the only thing I could think of.

And the truth is, my arm didn't even hurt that bad.


And after third year ended, we'd learned that Remus Lupin was my Godfather, Sirius Black was the black dog, he didn't murder my parents and is not evil, and is also Harry's Godfather.

Oh, and my patronus is a Hungarian Horntail. Whatever that means.

𝐈 𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐝 // 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now