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'I once was poison ivy, but, now I'm your daisy'


After class ended I was going to walk out.

"I said, stay after, Mr. Malfoy. Do you remember that?" Snape sneered. I rolled my eyes and stopped walking. He waited until everybody exited the classroom to push me against a wall.

"Get off me," I spat.

"That wasn't your Patronus. It was a peacock before," Snape said.

"So what?" I snapped.

"So you love her," He snapped back, "You can't. She's a distraction."

"I can't bloody help it," I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "If I could stop, I would."

I found out my Patronus changed a few months ago when I was practicing spells in my room. That was before I became... one of them. There was nothing else to do then, and I knew of my task, so why not practice?

I didn't realize that it was hers until when the project started. That was also when I realized I loved her. I don't even understand.

That's a lie. I do. I know completely well why I love her. But it still doesn't explain the electric spark I feel when I touch her. We both get it. What does it mean?

"You must. Do you want her to die? No? Do you want to die?" Snape asked. This is why I wanted her to stay away. But I can't leave her now that I've got her.

"We both know Occlumency. Nobody can find out anything," I told him with a sneer. Bloody Snape, thinking he knows everything all the damn time.

Nobody will find out anything, because I threatened to kill any of my roommates if they told anybody. It'd be risking my life and hers.

Let's just hope her mudblood friend doesn't say anything.

"If you hurt her," Snape started, "Or get her hurt, I will scrap everything I sacrificed to help you."

"Then you'll die," I commented, "There's no way out of it. Besides, I would never, ever hurt her."

"Listen to me, Draco. I was you once. I learned my lesson. I was an angry little boy, just like you, and hurt the one I loved the most. I regret it every day," He spoke.

"I won't hurt her, Snape. I love her. I do. I don't know why I do, but I love her," I whispered.

"Your task comes first," Snape said, "Remember that."

She comes first in my head. But I know I'll die without the task. And I won't be able to love her if I'm dead.


"Hermione, what do I tell him!?" I asked the girl as we walked to the common room. Our classes had just finished.

"Tell him the truth," She said.

"You know that can't happen," I frowned.

"You can't lie to your brother, Rory," Hermione sighed.

"Mimbulus Mimbletonia," I said, the portrait opening and us stepping inside, "I have to. If it comes to it, I'll tell him it was Ethan Mulligan."

𝐈 𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐝 // 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now