Chapter 10

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I shot up to a little fur ball sprawled out on my legs. I giggled petting her. I got up and got dressed and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I put my black flats on. I forgot about Blare! I ran in her unpacked room and jumped on her.

"Come 9th grader let's go to school." I said jumping on her.

She got ready and I drove her and myself to school.
Blare got out and ran to class probably didn't wanna be late.

Caleb was leaning on my car when I got out of my car. I rolled my eyes.

"Get your dirty body off my car." I joked.

"Your right I do have a dirty body." He smirked. "But so do you."

He put his eyes all over me.

"Would you stop checking me out and walk to class." I sighed.

"I'll walk behind you."

"No your not staring at my ass your walking in front of me." I pushed him.

"Cause you wanna stare at mine." He raised his eyebrows.

"Like I said many times before in your dreams Grey." I smirked.

He pouted. I walked to math class with Caleb right on my ass. We got in and there was a pop quiz. Ugh! Multiple people looked over at me. I must have said that out loud.

"Welcome back everyone well I hope your all proud of yourselves because the last quiz you took only Keeley Ryan got full credit." Mr. Lakeron pointed at me.

What? Most of the kids were giving me dirty looks cause I was getting so much attention or checking me out.

"Who ever knew a bookworm could be as hot as her." One of the jocks yelled.

"Agreed." Another yelled slightly louder.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay calm down boys there is time for that after school." He said shushing them.

Eww. No there is no time for that ever. After, first period I went to my locker. Then a guy came up to me. I could taste the weed on his breath.

"Do you have a a boyfriend?" He asked.

I saw Caleb coming towards me.

"Yeah I do, he's coming right now I suggest you go." I shoed him away with my hand.

"Well we could fight for you." He grinned taking my hand.

"Ya right." I tried to take my hand back.

Caleb started walking towards us. He gripped it harder. The dude let go of my hand and walked up to Caleb.

"You dating Keeley?" He asked.

I nodded and winked.

"Yea, is there a problem with that?"

"Well you know I actually wanna date her so...."

The guy punched Caleb in the face. Caleb stumbled a little then he punched the guy right in the stomach. He fell back a little. Then he grabbed me. What the hell?! Me as a shield.

"Wouldn't hit a girl would you?" He said with an evil grin.

"Wait can I tell you something?" I said.

He let go a little and I swung my leg in the air. I hit him right in the face. He fell to the ground in seconds.

"I guess that year in karate played off." I said putting my fists up.

Then Mrs. Green walked down the hall. She made wide eyes. Well first I had my fists up and my leg on a guy on the floor bledding and Caleb well he was kind of giving him I'm gonna still beat you up look.

"Keeley Ryan, Caleb Grey! My office NOW!"

With that we walked to the principals office.

"You see Mrs. Green he asked me out and I said no so, he gripped my hand, I don't think he was gonna let go." I said.
"Then he came up to me and thought I was dating her so he punched me of course I retaliated with me punching him in the stomach." Caleb said.

"Then he grabbed me as a shield and my kicked him in the face." I added finishing.

"Well it is natural to fight over a girl especially as beautiful as Keeley but, you kids know that I don't tolerate foolish behavior including fighting. I'm very sorry but, I'm suspending you both for 1 day. Since its Friday you will be suspended Monday." She said sternly.

"But no! You don't understand this is gonna show on my record when I try to get into college or a job-" She cut me off.

"Out of my room."

We walked out of her room. I put my face in my hands.

"Come on sugar its not that bad four day weekend!!!" He exclaimed.

"Yea whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

Finally I got in my car. I put my head on the steering wheel. Ugh how am I gonna tell my dad? I waitied for Blare to get in.

"Hey Keels." She said getting in.

"Hi." I said putting the car in drive.

"Bad day?" She asked.


I got out and walked in my house.

"Dad I got suspended for 2 days There! I got it off my chest." I said throwing my hands up.

"You what?! How?!" He exclaimed.

"I kicked a guy in the face cause he was wouldn't let go of my wrist and he was holding me as a shield from Caleb." I sighed.

"Now your getting in fights with him?! I told you to stay away Keeley stay away?! How hard is it you guys are only friends?!" He yelled.

"Correction he's my best friend!" I yelled back.

"I don't give a shit if he's your boyfriend?! Your not being around him any longer! Thats final!" He yelled at me.

I stomped up the steps and slammed the door. Blare came in and comforted me.

"You crying?"

"No Blare you know I don't cry anymore." I said sternly.

"I know." She said looking down.

Ever since those men touched me you didn't see one tear come out of my eyes. 6 years not one tear fell from my eyes.

"Dad doesn't understand me. He thinks like I'm a freak or something cause I don't cry and he doesn't understand having a best friend is like a privilege and he's so god damn over protective." I said throwing a pillow across the room.

"I know Keels. I know." She said rubbing my back.

"Blare I'm gonna take a nap." I said yawning.

"Ok I'll go to my room." She said trotting to her room.

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