Chapter 18

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I shot up on the couch. I felt an aching pain in my head.

"Ugh." I sighed.

I got up and went to the kitchen for a coke. I drank it quickly and went to grab my phone.

No messages.
No calls.
No emails.
Absolutely nothing.

I went to Caleb's contact and deleted it. I breathed out putting my face in my hands.

"Oh your awake! Do you feel okay?" Stephanie asked sitting next to me.


"Okay well I have your bag packed for New York." She smiled.

"I'm not going." I said looking down.

"W-what? Why not?" She asked.

"Caleb and I got into an argument. I haven't heard from him so I'm assuming that he doesn't want me to go with him." I got off the couch.

"Well you should talk to him." She said following me.

"I don't really want to do that." I bounded up the steps and into my room.

I went to my closet and picked out an outfit.

"Forgive and forget Keeley." She crossed her arms.

"I don't believe in that type of thing." I said shutting my bathroom door and getting ready.

I walked back downstairs and out the door. I got in my "slug bug" and drove off. I pasted Caleb's house, his car was still there. I can hold a grudge. I can totally do this. I stopped the car and looked inside, no one was there. I arrived at the mall and walked inside. The smell of soft pretzels and lemonade hit my nose. I was going to go to Hollister, until I stopped to look at my phone.

I put my phone down and walked to Hollister. I bought a few things and decided to go back home. I went straight to my room. I wrapped a blanket around myself and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. It was the day right before we were suppose to go to New York.

"Go away sun." I sighed.

I got up and did my usual routine and then hopped downstairs for breakfast.

"Keeley, your going to school today you know that right?" Dad asked.

"Yea, I know dad you just want me to suffer like the rest of the students." I sighed.

"Keeley stop being so down in the dumps okay? School is fun." He smiled.


I walked out the door and drove to school. I walked inside and went straight to first period. I sat down right next to Caleb. I got a book out and started reading. I was extremely angry at him.
He just sat there and glared at me. Soon after, first period was over. I went straight to my locker. Instantly I smelled Caleb's cologne.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked slamming my locker.

"Listen Keeley, I was a real dick the other day and I said some pretty hurtful things. But your like my best friend and I can't imagine myself without you by my side." He put his hands in his pockets.

"That's really thoughtful, but I'm not just gonna forgive you that easily." I sighed.

Soon the day was over. I went out to my car. I got inside to a bouquet of flowers. They were my favorite. Dear Keeley, This enough for you? The card said.

I put it down and drove to Caleb's house. I walked onto the porch and knocked on the door. Caleb answered and I hugged him.

"I'm really sorry about what I said." I said into his shoulder.

"No, I broke a promise it's not your fault you just retailed." He said into my hair.

"I told you to drop dead I mean that's just cruel." I looked down.

"Are we cool?" He asked.

"Yea." I said happily.

I locked my hands with his and looked up at him.

"We leave for New York tomorrow. You ready?" He asked.

"Maybe I should spend the night at your house since, we're leaving in the morning
and I can just go to my house to say my goodbyes." I stated.

"Sounds good princess." He smirked.

The rest of the night was spent watching movies and playing video games.

I woke up at 9:05. I looked over at Caleb sleeping on the couch.

"Caleb wake up we're leaving in two hours." I whispered.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Ok I'll go get ready. You should go run home, get ready, say your goodbyes, and grab your suit cases." He said getting off the couch.

"Ok but, who's driving?" I asked.

"I got a cab." He said.

I ran home and got ready in a aeropostale shirt and Jean shorts. I straightened my hair and applied my makeup. I ran back down the steps to my whole family.

"Awe I'm gonna miss you guys."

We all gathered into a hug. I hugged them all and said goodbye. I quickly ran back to Caleb's with my luggage. He was on the porch looking hella attractive. Just saying. We put out stuff in the trunk and got in.

"So how long is it gonna take to fly to New York?" I asked.

"Well it will take exactly 285 minutes."

"So, 4.75 hours." I stated.

"Yea whatever same thing." He covered for himself.

"The airport is like a half an hour away so, we have a little time alone." His eyebrow raised.

"You better keep your ass on that side of the seat and I will keep my ass on my seat." I crossed my arms.

"Fine than." He said.

After, a half an hour we were finally at the airport.

I'm not gonna go through the the luggage thing so we're starting off at they're sitting in the waiting thing waiting for the plane.

"Ugh! How long is this plane gonna take?" I exclaimed putting my head on my legs.

"Calm down planes take a while to arrive." He said annoyed.

"Ok than." I said and got my phone out.

Yes! WiFi.

After about an hour and a half of waiting the plans finally arrived. We boarded the plane and picked our seats. I put my luggage in the compartments over our head. Then the plane started to lift off. Soon we were up on the clouds. All the cars looked like little mice! I was just so amazed.

"Fascinating huh?" He asked.

"It really is." I said leaning on his shoulder.
"I can't wait for New York." I squealed.


I was instantly waken from my relaxation from a baby crying. Omg! I'm never gonna have a kid. I put my head on the seat and looked out the window. The sun reminded me of Caleb for some reason. It was bright at times but, sometimes the clouds block it and it's not so bright. Then it hit me. I liked Caleb Grey more than a friend.

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