Chapter 19

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait but I have to do research on New York and work is killing me. But I've come up with some ideas so here you go. Its gonna be short tho. I'm also changing it to a week in New York instead of two.
Day 1 in New York

What the hell am I gonna do? I can't like him this is sooooo bad.

"You okay? You have a really shocked look on your face." Caleb asked concerned.

"I-its nothing."

"K." He said going back to his magazine.

Soon I fell to asleep.

"Keeley everyones boarding off the plane." Caleb whispered in my ear.

"Ok I'm up." I said stretching my arms.

We boarded off and walked out to a beautiful sight. Huge buildings everywhere.

"This is so pretty!" I squealed.

We got into our taxi and drove off. We soon arrived to our hotel. I ran and jumped on the closest bed.

Caleb laughed and jumped on the same one.

I felt my skin tingling and getting warm. I rolled onto the floor with a thump.

"Ow!" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"For I second I wanted to push you but it looks like you did that yourself." He smriked laughing.

"Shut up." I said throwing a pillow at his face.

"We should go for-"

"Pizza!" We said in unsion.

"Let's go." He said opening the door for me.

We walked along the streets.

"Look at all these lights their so pretty." I said mezmerizing at the buildings and lights.

"Yea they sure are." He said putting his arm over my shoulder.

We arrived at a little pizza parlor. Awe how cute!

We walked inside and sat at small vintage like tables.

The waitress brought us some pizza.

I bite into the stringy pizza and moaned in delight.

"This is so good." I groaned.

"Well New York has the best pizza." He smiled.

"No shit." I said taking another bite.

"Its pretty fuckin amazing."
He said also taking another bite.

"Well what are we gonna do now?" Caleb asked.

"Go home and go to sleep is what I'm gonna do." I said yawning.

"Come on we could go to a bar or something. Don't you like a little wine?" He asked.

"Oh fine." I huffed and got into the taxi.


"Wooooo!" Caleb yelled as I took a sip of my wine.

"Calm down it was a sip." I rolled my eyes.

"Woooo hooo when I roll in to your town woooo hooo I'm saying yea yea." He sang quit loud.

"Your an idiot." I took another sip.
"Ok Caleb you've had 6 beers and your smashed let's go to the hotel." I said grabbing his arm and leading into the taxi.


"Caleb you should go to sleep your really wasted." I said.

"Keeley wait." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Come here." He waved.

I sat on the edge of bed staring at his lips. I then leaned over and pressed my lips to his. I shot off the bed backing into a dresser.

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