Chapter 20

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         Day 2 in New York

I shot up on my bed and realized my secenery. It was all a dream. Ugh thank God. I went over to Caleb. He had pink lip gloss all over his lips! It wasn't a dream! I hurried to the bathroom to get some toilet paper and began to wipe it off. Oh god it wasnt coming off.

"Keeley? What are you doing?" Caleb asked sitting up.

"Oh just admiring you."

"I knew you loved me babe." He said tackling me onto the bed.

"Um babe I think you have a little something on your lip." I smikred.

He rolled off of me and looked in the mirror.

"Holy shit! Why the hell would you put lipgloss on me when I was asleep?" He exclaimed.

"I don't know." I giggled.

"I hate you." He grumbled and wiped it off.

"I know now get ready for the day buttercup."

I quickly got ready and as did Caleb.

"Where we going today?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

We got out to times square.

"Ehh!!" I squealed linking my arms with Caleb.

We walked along the streets and looked up at the bright lights.

"This is so pretty!" I exclaimed.

"Not as pretty as you." He smiled.

"Awe thanks." I said.

"No problem beautiful." He smiled.

After a few hours we went back to the hotel.

"Netflix?" I asked.


I grabbed the remote and turned Netflix on.

"Pretty Little Liars first than whatever you want second." I crossed my arms.

"Fine only if I get a hug." He said spreading his arms.

I came over and gave him a small hug. I pushed him away and turned Pretty little liars.

We watched one episode and I kinda got bored. Caleb has been fake sleeping for an hour.

"Let's play Minecraft." I smirked.

He shot up.

"Yea." He smriked again.

"You were totally sleeping." I rolled my eyes.

"Yep I was in dream land." He smriked.

"Minecraft let's get to that." I said and turned it on.

"Survival or creative?" I asked.

"Creative." He smirked.

"You just want the easy way out. Survival it is!" I said and started to see play.

After the 3rd time he beat me I refused to play.

"You always win so I'm not playing anymore." I crossed my arms.

"If I let you win then will you play?" He asked.

"Yea." I replied.


We played and I actually win this time! I already knew that wink-wink.

"We should do the jelly belly challenge." I smirked.


I grabbed a bag of jelly bellies and put a blind fold over his eyes. I popped one in his mouth.

"Mmm cherry."

"Yep." I said popping the p.


"No, strawberry cheesecake." I smirked.


"Sho is."

We played for a while until it was my turn.

"Umm Mocha."



"Correction.Burnt marshmallow."

I could feel a smirk on his face.

"Lemon lime."

"Actually it's only lime."

I threw the blind fold off and attacked him with pillows.

"Quit being so hard on me you douche." I giggled.

"Whatever babe." He chuckled.

I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

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