Chapter 11

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After she went to her room I turned on PLL and walked downstairs for ice cream.
I opened the freezer to no ice cream.

"Dad what happened to the ice cream? There was like 5 tubs yesterday." I asked

"Oh I ate them watching basketball." He said eating my favorite ice cream right in front of me.

"You know I eat that when I watch PLL." I said surprised.

"Well to bad, I buy it so I'll eat it if I want, in fact I'm gonna go buy some more right now." He said turning the TV off and walking out the door.

Stubborn men. I walked down the basement steps and looked for the mini fridge I got 2 years ago for Christmas.

"There you are." I said picking it up and putting it in my room.

Dad pulled in the drive way. I ran down the steps and acted like I was making a sand which. He put them in the freezer except one to eat. He went back to basketball so, I made my move. I got 2 tubs of ice cream and snook up the steps to my room. I put one in the mini fridge and one on my bed to eat. I ate them and watched until I got a call.

"What Caleb?"

"Meet me at my house."


"Cause I want my parents to meet you."

"Why? Its not like I'm your girlfriend."

"No shit. I just want them to meet my best friend is all."

"Um ok but I have to sneak out."

"Oh you naughty girl I wonder if your as naughty in bed."

"Ha! Like you'll ever know."

"So its a possibly?"

"No. Not. Ever."

"Fine that's fair but I'll pick you up."

"Ok bye Caleb."

"Bye Keels."

At least he didn't call me sugar. I put a cyan tank top on with a collar and Black skinny jeans. I did my usual make up but did my eyebrows to make my image more professional. I put on my black sandals and walked downstairs.

"I'm going to Taylor's house to help her unpack." I said almost out the door.

"Ok but I want you home by 10."

"Dad its the weekend." I said and put my hand on my hip.

"Fine 12, if your one minute late grounded." He said sternly.

"Parentals these days." Blare said walking down the steps.

Read my mind.

"Bye dad, bye Blare." I said walking out the door.

God its a fight to get out the door. Just then Caleb drove up.

"Hey sugar hop in." He said.

I hopped in his jeep.

"Let's go meet those parents of yours." I said smiling.

We got to a huge house. I mean huge. God I know my dad's rich but they are just wow. I walked in to his mom and dad sitting at a beautiful dining room table.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Grey." I said politely.

"Well Caleb she has manners." His mother said nodding.

Caleb pulled a chair out for me.

"Thank you Caleb." I said sitting down.

He sat down in the seat next to me.

"Mom, dad this is my best friend Keeley." He said. His mother stood up and hugged me.

"Nice to meet you Darling."
She said.

I shook hands with her dad also.

"So, you two are best friends you say?" She said sipping out of her wine glass.

"Yes, we have since the first day of school." I said nodding.

Did they know their son acted like a complete and udder ass when he's not around them.

"That's nice so, when will you start dating?"

Me and Caleb choked on our drinks.

"No mom, we're just friends." He said saving the world, well... kinda.

"Oh I'm sorry dear didn't mean to embarrass you." She giggled a little.

"So, how is Caleb in school like his behavior wise?" His dad asked.

"Well, he acts like a gentleman most of the time to me and other girls." I said saving his ass.

I smirked at him. He mouthed a thank you.

We talked the rest of the night until I had to go.

"Thank you so much for having me." I said.

"Any time Keeley." She smiled and Caleb and I went outside.

"Your parents are nice." I said smiling.

"Yea and they also think I'm an angel." He said putting a halo above his head with his hands.

I smacked his chest.

"Your so fake Cupcake." I said knowing it rhymed.

"I know sugar." He said putting his hands around my shoulder.

We walked down to the beach and sat in the sand.

"Pretty sunset." I said picking shells off the ground.

"You bet sugar." He said putting his arms around my shoulder.

"Shut up Grey." I said putting my finger on his chest to push him away.

He picked me up and put me over his shoulders and ran.

"Caleb stop! Really!" I said punching him and laughing.

He let go of me and I dropped in the sand.

"Need help sugar." He said reaching his hand out.

I reached for his hand and he shot it up.

"Thats for the hallway on the first day Keels." He said laughing.

"Your an ass." I rolled my eyes.

I went home and walked in the living room to Blare watching cartoons.

"Really Blare? Cartoons aren't you 14?" I asked putting my hand on my hip.

"Yep but, I still love them!" She exclaimed giggling.

"Oh Yea and I meant to tell you I GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!" She exclaimed.

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