Chapter 22

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Day 4 in New York

I woke up to the smell of...... bacon.


I quickly got out of bed and went to the kitchen only to find no Caleb but a plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes.I gobbled it down and picked up my plate only to find there was a note under it.

Dear Keeley,

I'm out doing some errands, I'll be back soon.


I put it down and washed my plate off. I wonder what he was doing I mean it's our fourth day, we only have 3 days left. I decided to get ready in some black skinny jeans and teal tank top. I curled my hair and applied my makeup.

A few hours later.

Ok I'm still sitting here and Calebs still not here. It's 5:30 and I'm sitting here being bored.

He suddenly came through the door with a bag.

"About time you showed up?" I said arms crossed.

"Put this on we're going to a party." He said throwing me a dress.

I looked at the boutique name and I remembered it. I went in here when I was on fifth avenue!

"How much was this?" I hissed at him.

I mean Caleb is rich and all but sheesh.

"Not much now put it on and get ready we have a party to got to." He smiled.

I held the dress up to look at it, it was a strapless light pink dress that had little jewels on the top left side of it. I hugged it to my chest and ran to the bathroom. I re-appiled my makeup and curled my hair again. I slid my body into the dress and looked at my reflection I actually looked pretty decent.

I came out and we linked arms and walked to the car.

We finally reached the "party"
I got out nervously and looked up. This was a huge mansion.

I wonder who was throwing the party. We slowly walked in and were greeted by a few.

"Omg is that the dress some Rachel and Snider?!" A girl squealed from behind me.

Yes I know that's not a real store so don't tell me in the comments cause I already know, I made it up. Cause I'm awesome like that, anyway back to the story.

"Sure is." I said turning around to a girl.

She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She looked about my age and was definitely my height.

"That must have cost you a fortune." She said admiring my dress.

"Well my boyfr- I mean best friend gave it to me." I smiled.

"Well, you have an awesome bestie than." She giggled.

"I sure do." I smiled again.

"I never really go to these fancy parties but I decided to go with my boyfriend." She said pointing to a tan blonde haired angel.

Omg I think I'm drooling.

"I'm here with my best friend." I said pointing to Caleb.

I'm here with my boyfriend too! My mind thought.

He's not your boyfriend Keeley get over it.

"Yeah." She giggled.

The blond haired angel walked over and grabbed the girl by the waist.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled and kissed her lips gently.

Ugh me and Caleb doing that.

Snap out of it Keeley!

"Hey, I want to meet my new friend..." She said trailing off cause she didn't know my name.

"Keeley." I spoke up shaking his hand.

"I forgot to tell you, I'm Crystal." She smiled and shook my hand also.

"Nice to meet you both." I smiled again.

They went out and danced to a slow song while I sat on a couch. I slushed my drink around in my cup feeling bored.
I sighed.

This party was so boring I was used to the ones back at home where there was drunk guys always hitting on you and people nailing each other all the time. Aw home.

I miss California so much.

I got up and went outside grabbing a taxi. I watched as the world zoomed past me through the window.

As soon I got home I slipped from the dress took my makeup off and had a shower. I grabbed a T-shirt from my suit case and through my hair up into a messy bun.

I sat on my bed watching Netflix. I wonder if Caleb's worried about me? Does he care I'm gone? Does he know I'm gone?

I deicded to put the questions aside and lay down. I slowly fall asleep to the sound of cars buzzing all around me.

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