Chapter 5

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Taylor's P.o.v

I finished recording "The Man" and "Cruel Summer" at my studio in my house this morning. I open the door to one of the guest rooms and see Ryan, Emily, Astrid, and Elijah laying comfortably beside each other. I take a picture of them and send it to Selena, knowing that she'll love it. I decide to let them sleep in for a little bit more since it's only 7:45 A.M. I know that Elijah and Astrid will have a great sibling bond, and love each other. I can tell that they mean so much to each other, and the same thing for Ryan and Emily.

I'm trying to think of a song for this potential next album. After a few minutes of thinking I come up with a name "Cornelia Street", remembering that's the name of the street that my house is on in New York. I hum it in my head before writing some lyrics.

(1st Verse)

We were in the backseat
Drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar
"I rent a place on Cornelia Street"
I say casually in the car
We were a fresh page on the desk
Filling in the blanks as we go
As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead
Leading us home


And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again
That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again
And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name
And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again

That's all for could think of for now. I set my pen down before deciding that it's time to wake them (Ryan, Emily, Astrid, and Elijah) up. After me gently waking them up their eyes open and they all stretch before they get off the bed. Elijah gently wraps him arms around Astrid and gives her a hug. Elijah releases Astrid from the hug, and Elijah asks what their supposed to wear, which causing me to put some clothes down on the bed for them to wear. I then exit the room and go to the kitchen to wait for them.

Elijah's P.o.v

After Taylor wakes us up, we all stretch before getting off the bed. I gently wrap my arms around my sister, Astrid, giving her a hug. After a minute, I release her from the hug. I walk over to Taylor and ask what we're going to wear, in reply she sets some clothes on the bed, before exits the room and going to the kitchen.

I put on a Red Nike logo T-shirt, and black shorts. Astrid put on a black reputation T-shirt, and White ripped jeans. Emily put on a white reputation T-shirt with black jeans, and Ryan wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

After we all were dressed, we walked into the kitchen, where Taylor and Selena sat, likely waiting for us. Taylor asked us if we wanted Pancakes for breakfast, which we all replied with yes. We all talked about our day when Taylor said "I have a concert tonight, and that we could come and watch from a suite if you all wanted to."

"Taylor, we'd love to come and watch your concert tonight." We all said.

Taylor's P.o.v

I'm so excited for my daughter and son to see me preform live tonight. I've been practicing and rehearsing a lot, I hope they really enjoy the concert. The only thing is how am I going to bring them without the paparazzi swarming us. I might enter through the backdoor like I usually do if I can. Worse case the paparazzi try swarming us, and I hold their hands and keep them close.

I start talking with Elijah and Astrid.
"Oh, and guys... about the concert, there might be lots of paparazzi so stay close to me or Selena." I tell them,
"We will." They reply,
"Did you hear about what songs I'm going to be preforming?" I asked them, to which they replied with "No, although we assume that you're going to preform "Look What You Made Me Do" and other songs from the Reputation album. "You're right about that, plus it's the Reputation Stadium Tour, so of course I'm preforming songs from the Reputation album." I answer back.

We continue talking about the tour and upcoming projects and stuff. "One thing that's going to be tricky is school for the two of you." I tell them, "Why's it going to be tricky?" They ask, "Since I'm going on tour there are two main options that we can do. A. You can stay with my mom and attend regular school here in Nashville, or B. You can come with me on tour and be home-schooled." "Who would be our teacher?" "I would." I reply, causing them to be shocked.

After a few more minutes, they said that they chose to be home-schooled, which makes it a bit easier for me and for them.

Astrid's P.o.v

'We are coming with Taylor on her tour' I thought in my head, even just the thought of that is crazy. I walk over to her and give her a hug, so does Elijah. "You guys can do whatever for a few hours, but by 5:00 we need to leave to get to the concert venue." Taylor tells us. 'Taylor is such a chill parent' I think to myself.

Me and Elijah are laying on the couch and watching TV, when two cats just up beside us. "Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my cats, the white cat is Detective Olivia Benson aka Dibbles. And the other cat is Meredith Grey, or simply Meredith." Taylor says introducing us to her cats.

We relax for a bit until it is 5:00 and we leave to go to the concert venue.

I hope you all enjoyed chapter 5.

# of words: 1009

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