Chapter 24: Shopping 🛍!! & Board Games 🎲

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Elijah's Perspective

I woke up this morning with Astrid beside me still asleep. I gently shook her which got her to wake up. We both exited our bedroom and walked downstairs. We found Harry and Taylor cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
"Good morning you two." Taylor greeted us, before she wrapped us in a hug. We both know how much Taylor loves us, it's become pretty obvious since she adopted us in July. "I'm just going to remind you of the Halloween party that we're be going to." Taylor said making sure that we remembered. The party was taking place at Selena's house.

We have our costumes already, so it's just waiting for four days and going to the party. After Taylor and Harry finished making breakfast, I placed four plates on the counter beside the range. I placed three fluffpancakesy  on to my plate and grabbed Mapple Syrup before I sat down on a chair at the marble topped kitchen island.
After she had grabbed her pancakes, Taylor sat beside me at the island.

A few minutes later, everyone is sitting at the island enjoying the pancakes. Once we finish eating, we prepare for the day ahead. Me and Astrid got changed into a dinem jacket with black jeans. We sat in the living room and watched TV until Taylor exited her bedroom and walked towards us. A few minutes later, Harry joined us in the living room and once we were ready, Taylor decided to take us shopping. We entered the trusty Black SUV and started our drive towards the mall.

Once we arrived at the mall, we rushed into the mall and started our shopping spree. We first stopped at a clothing store. I browsed and found a nice leather jacket and I got an idea.

"Taylor, do you think that I could have a custom leather jacket made with your 'There will be no explanation, there will just be reputation' quote on it?" I asked her, "It might take a while to be made, but I can get one made for you. Oh Astrid, do you want one too?" Taylor asked her, "I would like one." "Ok, I'll get those made for you" Taylor replied.

Astrid browsed the store and found a nice blue sequined dress. Astrid also found a pair of capris pants. I got a blue sweater, a pink sweater, and some cargo pants. After we checked out of the store we walked past a few stores before entering a shoe store.

Astrid picked out a pair of sandals, two pairs of high-top shoes, and three pairs of heels ( 1 pink pair, 1 black pair, and a light blue pair). I picked out two pairs of high-top shoes, and a pair of white air force 1s. Taylor herself picked out three pairs of heels, while Harry picked out a pair of low top shoes. After Taylor paid for the 13 pairs of shoes, we exited the shoe store.

After going to a few more stores, and running out of hands for our numerous shopping bags, we exited the shopping mall. Unfortunately, paparazzi found out that we were in the mall, so we were almost swarmed by paparazzi. We quickly entered the waiting SUV and drove back to our hotel (they're still in Australia).

Once we returned to the hotel, me and Astrid helped Taylor make lunch. For lunch we made Pizza with a garden salad. We sat at the kitchen island and enjoyed the delicious homemade pizza and garden salad. "I was thinking that we could go sightseeing, if you're not too burnt out from shopping." Taylor said to us, "Sounds good to us." Me and Astrid both replied. After putting away our dishes, we watched Law & Order SVU for an hour.

After the hour had passed, Taylor led us to the door of our hotel room, before leading us to the elevator, then out of the hotel. Right by the front door, there was a Black SUV that was waiting for us. We entered the SUV before driving towards some landmarks. The first landmark we saw was the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Next landmark we went to was the Sydney Opera House. We watched an amazing performance in the Opera House.

After a few more hours we concluded our sightseeing. We drove back to our hotel room and I showed Taylor some of the photos that I had taken of the sights and landmarks. Following Taylor seeing my photos, Taylor started making Quesadillas and Nachos with Salsa.

The Nachos and Quesadillas tasted so good. I sat at the kitchen island and enjoyed the delicious dinner. Following dinner, we all played some board and card games. The board games we played were; Monopoly, The Game Of Life, and Scrabble. While the card games were; Uno, Go Fish, and Crazy Eights.

Taylor was amazing at Scrabble since she has an extensive vocabulary. Me, Harry, and Astrid, all came up short by a long shot. Taylor absolutely distroyed us in Scrabble and Monopoly. I just barely beat everyone else in The Game Of Life. Most of the various games were close ones, aside from Scrabble and Monopoly.

After we all played every board game, it was getting late. Me and Elijah decided that it would be best if we went to sleep. We both said good night to Taylor and Harry, before going into out bedroom. We changed into our pajamas and I wrapped Astrid in a hug before we laid down on our bed and we slowly fell asleep.


Number of words: 928

Hope you enjoyed chapter 24, the first chapter of 2024.

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