Chapter 19

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Elijah's P.o.v

Me and Astrid have asked Taylor about possibly joining her record label and she said that she can't reach Scott, who owns the label. We've all been working in Taylor's home studio, Taylor for her album "Lover", Harry has started working on his next album, and Me and Astrid have recorded some songs.

Currently we all are getting ready to go shopping, then afterwards we'll go to the Grammy museum before returning home around 3:40. By 10:40 we all have left Taylor's Tribeca house and are heading towards the mall. Throughout the whole ride Taylor tells us about her plans for after the Reputation Stadium Tour and her signing with a different label.

We arrive at the mall and the first store we enter is a bookstore. Taylor immediately gravitates towards the Romance and Mystery categories, while we go towards Fantasy books. We take a set of three books off the shelf, the books were The Lord Of The Rings.

We found Harry who was looking at Sci-Fi books. Taylor emerged out of the Mystery section with a stack of ten books. Taylor walked towards us, "I'm glad that you found books that you like." She said, before looking over at Harry, who was reading the back of a book that he had taken off of a shelf.

Harry chose that book and Taylor walked over to the cashier, who was trying not to freak out because you don't run into Taylor Swift everday. The cashier scanned all the books before telling Taylor and Harry how much she likes their music, Taylor asked her if she wanted a photo with her and Harry, which of course the cashier said yes to.

The cashier thanked them both for the photo before Taylor purchased the books. Taylor said goodbye to the cashier before moving on to the next store.

The next store we went to was a record store. We all looked around the store for an album or two each. I grabbed a copy of reputation and a copy of Thriller. Astrid got a copy of 1989, while Taylor got a copy of Red and Selena's new album. We placed our albums on the counter and Taylor purchased them.

News had spread about Taylor being in the mall and people crowded around the record store, hoping to get a glimpse of Taylor and Harry. We all exited the store and the crowd loudly cheered. Taylor and Harry quickly signed some fans' posters or albums before security surrounded us and we walked through the crowd and headed back to the SUV. "Sorry about that guys." Taylor said to us, "It's not your fault that you get crowded by fans or paparazzi." I replied.

We ended our shopping early and went out to eat at a restaurant for lunch. Taylor ordered a BLT with a side of fries. Me and Astrid ordered spaghetti with a side of fries, and Harry ordered a burger with a garden salad as a side. We began talking about the Grammy museum that we would be going to after this, "I've been to the Grammy's Museum once before, but it was six years ago, so they've likely updated certain exhibits." Taylor told us, before our waiter returned with our orders.

The waiter placed our food down on the table and left us to enjoy our lunch. We were raving about how good it was to each other, and Taylor was definitely going to give it a five-star review.

After we left the restaurant, we all headed to the Grammy museum. We explored the many exhibits containing many artifacts from different artists, like; Michael Jackson's Sequined Military Jacket, A dress worn by Céline Dion, and many more. Our guide led us through the museum telling the stories behind each item in the museum. One of the last items we saw was a red guitar that Taylor used on the Red Tour.

After going through the museum, we got in the waiting Black SUV and drove off towards home. As we were driving home, there was a black Mercedes on our heels. The Mercedes past us and drove right in front of us.

We tried to pass the Mercedes, but it turns out that the Mercedes was trying to move to the left. Both cars collided and sparks flew from the side of the car. The black Mercedes tried to drive away but we went in front of them so they couldn't pass us. Outraged, the black Mercedes slammed into the back off our black SUV. Taylor's driver called 911 while an angry Taylor stormed out of the SUV. Taylor walked beside the car, causing the driver to roll down the window.

"What the Fuck were you doing!!" An angered Taylor yelled at the driver of the black SUV. "First you scrapped the side of my SUV, then you rammed into the back off it! I have two children in the back of the SUV, and if you seriously hurt them, then God have mercy on your soul!" Taylor yelled, just as the police, firefighters and an ambulance showed up.

Taylor explained the situation to the police officer, who then asked the other driver what they did. "Miss Swift, the driver would like a word with you." The police officer told Taylor. The driver stepped out and Astrid went pale as a ghost. "Astrid! Are you ok?" I asked her, "That's my dad." Astrid said in disbelief, "The same man who killed my mom." Astrid said before exiting the SUV. I followed Astrid out walking to Taylor.

"Oh Astrid, it's been too long." Astrid's dad told her, causing her to tightly hug Taylor. "It's clear that she's afraid of you, I mean if my dad murdered my mom I'd be afraid of him too." Taylor said as she hugged Astrid back, I stood by the back of the SUV out of sight and watched on.

Astrid shook as her dad began walking towards her and Taylor. The police officers stood by making sure anything doesn't happen. "I'm her dad, so she's going to be coming back home with me." Travis Scott (Astrid's dad) told Taylor, "I hate to break it to you Travis, but she's not your daughter anymore and you don't have custody of her." Taylor replied, causing Travis to lunge at Taylor, but police got in the way.

"Now Travis, not only do you owe Taylor damages, you also could be prosecuted for attempted assault." The police officer told Travis. "How much is owed in damages?" Taylor asked the officer, "Around $8500 is how much Travis owes you for damages." The officer told Taylor. Taylor checked on both of us making sure we were fine, before thanking the officer for their time, and getting into our SUV.

Taylor gave Astrid some hugs because of the situation with her dad. Taylor's driver began the drive back to our house. When we got inside our house, Taylor turned on the TV, which replayed the car accident and everything that happened. "How? How did they find out, I didn't see any paparazzi." Taylor asked herself.

Taylor then called Selena explaining everything that happened. After she ended her phone call with Selena, Taylor went into the living room and snuggled up with Me, Astrid and Harry on the couch while Meredith and Olivia laid beside us.

We all watched Friends and tried to calm down after the situation that had happened. For dinner, Taylor made homemade pasta with salad.
Me, Astrid and Harry thanked Taylor for making dinner. The meal despite being simple was so delicious! Which proves why Taylor is a good chef.

After everyone finished eating dinner,  we all played board games. The first board game was Scrabble, which Taylor won, though Harry didn't place far behind Taylor. The next game was Sorry.

Currently it's a close game, Taylor has moved two of her characters, one near her homebase. Right behind Taylor is myself, I've also moved two of my characters around the board, like Taylor one of my characters is near my homebase.

On my next turn I placed my character three away from my homebase (since I was previously six away and I rolled a three). But on Astrid's turn, her character jumped my character making my character have to go back to the start. Astrid celebrated at my misfortune. By the end of the game I was in first place, Taylor in second place, Harry in third place, and Astrid in last place.

After we finished playing Sorry, it was time for me and Astrid to go to bed. We said goodnight to Harry and Taylor, before getting in our bed before we slowly started to drift to sleep.

# of Words: 1460

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 19.

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