Chapter 25: 🧟‍♂️Halloween Party🧟‍♀️

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Astrid's Perspective

Two days ago we flew in from Australia. Since the party is in New York, we returned to Taylor's Tribeca apartment. Right now it's noon, and we're watching a movie. The movie we're watching is The Nightmare Before Christmas. "This movie is so silly." I say to Taylor, "Right. Especially because Jack tries to kidnap Santa." Taylor replies.

As the movie approached it's end, we started  to get ready for the party. Taylor changed into her costume. Taylor reappeared in her costume, which was the zombie version of her from the 'Look What You Made Me Do' music video. Me and Elijah changed into our respective costumes. The costume I chose was a witch with a knife, I dubbed the costume as 'the killer witch'. Elijah chose Spider-Man as his costume for the party.

"You guys look amazing!" Taylor exclaimed before taking a photo with us, well... It went from one photo to a mini photo shoot. After we finished our photo shoot, Taylor messaged her driver, and a few minutes later he showed up infront of the entrance to the apartment building. We entered the SUV and began our drive to Selena's house.

"What do you think Selena's costume will be?" I asked Taylor,
"I have no idea, Astrid. She could be dressed as so many different things." Taylor replied, "We'll find out when we get there." Elijah said. Thirteen minutes later we all arrived at Selena's house. I knocked on the door and moments later Selena opened it. "Hi Selena." I said to her, "Your costume looks amazing." She said complimenting my costume.

A few minutes later Taylor and Elijah exited the SUV. "Oh my god Taylor! Your the zombie version of you!" Selena exclaimed, "Hi Selena." Taylor greeted, "Hi Taylor. I'm assuming that that's your costume." Selena replied, "Well you're right about this being my costume." Taylor replied. Selena was dressed up as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. We helped Selena, Ryan, and Emily prepare for the party. We are very excited about the Halloween party, we are excited to see everyone's costume.

One costume that Taylor showed us is that Jennifer Lawrence is dressed as Katniss Everdeen, which is fitting since she played Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games movies. We all played some board games and card games. We played Scrabble, Mouse Trap, Trouble, and Monopoly, before we played some card games. The card games were Uno, Crazy Eights, and Go Fish.

After a few hours, and many games, people knocked on Selena's door. We all knew that the people at the door were going to the party. We open the door and several people walk in. Those people included Jamie Fox, his wife and Taylor's godson Leo Thames. Leo walks towards me and I wrap him in a hug. A bunch of Selena's friends and celebs walked in including Kaleigh Teller, Gigi Hadid, Karlie Kloss, Timothée Chalamet, Ed Sheeran and Camilo Cabello.

Me and the other kids stay in a guest room away from the chaos of the party. We play video games and watch a movie.

Taylor's Perspective
As the party went on I socialised with pretty well everyone. "Sel, can Elijah and Astriddd staay at yourrr housee?" I ask cleary Drunk. "of course Taylor, but come on, you might as well just stay here too." "Sureee" I say slurring my words. I party and dance with everyone until I'm wasted. Then I fall onto Selena's couch.

I stagger back to my feet, and carefully walk into the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of water and hope that it helps rid me of the effects of being drunk, and it does. I join everyone else and dance for the majority of the evening. Around 10:30 *pm* the party dies down. Everyone thanks Selena and slowly leaves her house. Timothée gives me his number, but in more of a 'if you ever need anyone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on I'll be there for you' way.

Me and Timothée became friends earlier this evening. I thank him and he's about to leave when I ask him a question. "Do you need to me to drive you back to your house? You were pretty drunk." Timothée accepts my offer and I get in his car and drive him to his place. "Thanks Taylor." "No problem. I just don't want anything bad to happen to one of my friends, especially if I can prevent it." I say. "Hopefully I'll see you soon." I said, before taking an Uber back to Selena's house.

I thank the Uber driver, and re-enter Selena's house. I then tell her about what happened with Timothée. "You're such a good person Taylor." Selena said to me "Thank you,  thank you for saying that." I say. I check on Astrid are Elijah and see them upstairs asleep with Emily and Ryan.

I gently tuck them into bed before returning downstairs and to Selena. "I can't wait to sign with Republic Records, because I'm going to release an album soon." I tell Selena, "The fans are going to love it. They love all of your albums." Selena assures me. We talk for a few more hours and I get tired and change into another outfit before falling asleep in a guest room. I slowly fall asleep on the comfy bed and drift to sleep.

Number of words: 900
Hope you enjoyed Chapter 25. Sorry about the long wait.

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