Chapter 20: Taylor Teases Lover

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I decided to tease my fans, since I know that they can't wait for my next album. I thought of how I could tease them that the album would be coming soon. I chose to post two images, one with coming soon written with the same font and the same background from the album, the second was a photo of me from the summer lying on the grass wearing orange heart-shaped sunglasses.

I posted the two images and waited

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I posted the two images and waited. Within the first 20 minutes there were 45K views and 20K likes. Many people were making guesses as to what the theme of the album was.

Thirty minutes later, Astrid and Elijah left their bedroom, showing me the post. "I can't believe how many views your post has already." Astrid said showing me that the post that now had 170k views and 100k likes. I was mind blown by how many of my fans had already seen the post. I made Astrid and Elijah breakfast and after that, we watched Law & Order SVU for two hours.

After that me, Astrid, Elijah and Harry went to my home studio. When we arrived at the home studio, Me and Harry recorded a duet of "Style". Once we finished recording the duet, Elijah recorded a song that he had written.

After Elijah recorded the vocals, we all worked together on the Instrumentation, I recorded some chords on the keyboard, while Harry recorded some notes on the flute, Astrid created a slow drumbeat, then we layered it and it created a mellow instrumental.

After we did that, we added Elijah's vocals. Once everything was finished we listened back to it. When I entered my bedroom I immediately called Scott.

T= Taylor
S= Scott

T- "Hey Scott, I called you because my son Elijah and my daughter Astrid have been recording some material, so I was wondering if you could maybe sign them."

S- "I would love to Taylor... there's just one issue. I sold Big Machine Records."

T- "You did! Who did you sell it to?"

S- "You don't wanna know."

T- "But I do, Scott."

S- "I sold it to Scooter Braun."

T- "You're. Fucking. Kidding. Me! I thought you knew that I hate him!"

S- "I only did what was best for business."


I threw my phone at the wall in anger, and surprisingly it didn't shatter and there was only a good scuff on the screen protector. "Are you Ok?" Harry asked me, "Go Away." I told him clearly angered and frustrated. He left me alone and I cried into my pillow. Olivia and Meredith snuggled into me sensing my sadness.

After twenty minutes of crying, the door opened and Selena walked into my bedroom. "What happened?" Selena calmly asked me, "Scott ruined everything." I told her, "How?" She asked confused, "He sold Big Machine Records to Scooter Braun." I tell her. She embraces me in a hug, understanding my frustrations.

"This means that I need to sign to a different label, and re-record all of my old work." I tell her, "Why do you need to sign with a different label and re-record your old albums?" She asks curiously, "I know Scooter, and there's no way he'll give me a fair deal for my masters. He knows I'm the biggest artist of Big Machine. Also there's no way I'm going to work for him." I tell Selena, who understands.

"I think I'm gonna sign with Republic Records, I've heard good things about the label and that they have good relationships with their artists." I tell Selena, "Taylor, you do what's best for you, ok." Selena says to me, "I will." I tell Selena.

I apologize to Harry for being snappy with him and give Astrid and Elijah both a hug. "Sorry for that, just heard some bad news." I tell them, "The record label I was working for got sold to a man I don't like. Scooter Braun. So I've decided that once this tour ends next month, I'm going to sign with Republic Records."

Harry immediately understands why I was so frustrated, especially when I tell him about the masters situation. "I love you Harry." I tell him, "I love you too Taylor." He says before leaning in and giving me a kiss. Me and Selena make lunch for everyone, and we all eat it when it's ready. Selena leaves afterwards but reminds me, "If you ever need anyone to talk to, my phone is always available."

I watch some episodes of Friends and Law & Order SVU, before
I begin planning my moves, and planning how I'm going to sign with Republic Records and re-record my music.

I planned out when I was going to release Lover and its singles. The singles are going to be; ME!, You Need To Calm Down, Lover, and The Man.

There's only one thing in my head, retribution. How to get back at Scott Borchetta, Scooter Braun, and Big Machine Records.

After asking Harry, Elijah, and Astrid, what to do. I reach the conclusion that if I talk poorly about them in my interviews and release incredible albums, I can effectively bury Scott, Scooter, & Big Machine Records.

Number of words: 877

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 21.

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