20. The Backup Plan

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Anne explained her current state to me. Her bouts of pain were more frequent now.

She would take wiggenweld to ease the pain more frequently. And she found ways to make a stronger brew that would last longer. But the pain often kept her from sleeping. And being able to eat.

It broke my heart that she continues to suffer like this.

Meanwhile I'm at Hogwarts with Valeria and Ominis living like any other student, minus the ancient magic business.

" Anne. I have to ask. Why did you tell Thalia?" I asked slowly. And hesitantly.

She sighed. " I'm sorry. I know we made a pact. But... Thalia started speaking of Soloman and how she knew him when we met...." She started. " The way she cried. The way she seemed heartbroken. I had to tell her. She had a right to know. And I explained to her that I didn't want you in Azkaban. She saw the pain I was in. And though she was hurting and scared for her Niece, she said she couldn't bear to see me suffer even more without my brother."

I stared intensely at the ground in front of me as she spoke. Anne was the best at keeping secrets. But even this was too big of one to bear. I wouldn't doubt it was eating her away just like the curse. I couldn't blame her for telling.

Thalia also just had a naturally trusting Aurora. Even though we were all skeptical of her, with good reason, for awhile. Thalia had a strength and comfort to her that made you feel like you could tell her anything.

Much like Valeria. They didn't even know each other. But they shared such similar traits beyond their appearance. As much as I feared her, I respected her. But as much as I respected her, I wouldn't let her keep me from Valeria.

" but... Sebastian... if... if this curse gets the last of me, she seemed inclined to change her mind. She said she wouldn't interfere and would help find a cure if there is one. But if I die, I fear she'll make sure you pay for your crime, somehow." She said in a soft voice.

I tensed up. It did scare me. "...Azkaban is fitting for murderers I suppose." I mumbled.

Anne suddenly shook her head. "No. She wouldn't say. But it doesn't seem like she would send you to Azkaban. I don't know what she'll do." She sighed.

" Yeah well. I can't be bothered with Valeria's aunt at the moment. She's already extremely protective over Valeria. I don't know what she has planned. But whatever it may be. I won't have a choice if I want to remain in her life." I explained.

" Speaking of which that's also what I wished to discuss with you." She said with a familiar tone. The same excited tone she would get while exchanging gossip.

" When and how did you two begin to be so taken with one another?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I felt my face flush. " Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes. " We aren't."

" With my life." She mocked.

I rolled my eyes. " That unspeakable would kill me if I didn't."

" True. But I saw that look on your face. You meant it." She affirmed.

I was silent.

" You love her." She said softly.

I tensed up. This wasn't a conversation I ever thought I'd have with my twin. It felt awkward. I could tell her everything. But anything regarding romance was odd for both of us. I frequently had to scare off some guy for getting too friendly with her.

I never did it to guys she fancied. She could choose and handle her own. But some boys could be truly aggressive. That's where I drew the line and stepped in.

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