28. Markings

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A/N: This chapter gets a lil spicy so be warned.

—Valeria's POV—
When I got to my room I collapsed on the bed with a breathless sigh.

I could feel my face redden the more I thought about my ' talk' with Sebastian that led me to his bed.

I stared at the ceiling in a daze. I could still feel his touch.

Yet I missed it.

And I couldn't stop thinking about every moment with him. The way his lips felt. The way they moved when he'd whisper ' I love you' against my lips when we kissed.

How his hands gently caressed as much of me as he could. My shoulders. My arms. My back.

A brief squeeze of my thighs.

And when he his lips touched my neck I'd thought my heart stopped!

These feelings were odd. Unfamiliar.

I could sense where we were going. But he sensed my hesitancy and respected it. As much as I wanted to. I was not ready.

He knew me better than me sometimes.

I smiled to myself as I stared at the ceiling in a day dream like state. Reminiscing on Sebastian's touch. And how his affection made the world vanish. My heart and my mind felt at peace.

A knock at the door suddenly awoke me from my day dream as I quickly sat up.

" Ms. Lowell! The Mrs. Has asked me to let you know breakfast will be served for everyone in 20 minutes." Whimsy's familiar voice sounded through the door

I nodded slowly. " Of course! I'm dressing right now and I'll be down shortly!" I called.

I hopped off the bed and quickly freshened myself up. As well as change. Thalia had mentioned she had placed some spare outfits in the room she set me in.

The attire was casual. A form fitting white blouse. With a black and white stripped ribboned tie. And a knee length black skirt.

Once I finished dressing I looked in the mirror. And that's when I spotted it.

I gasped and leaned close against the mirror to get a better look.

A light faded bruise on my neck. I raised an eyebrow. Completely confused. But as soon as I touched it, I remembered.

Sebastian's lips were there only hours ago. Kissing. And softly biting.

I buried my face in my hands before letting our a groan and untying my hair. As it fell I adjusted it to hide that portion of my neck as best as possible.

I sighed. My face was pink. Hopefully no one would catch a glimpse. And I'd do best to not tie my hair up out of habit.

When I arrived in the dining room Anne and a Sebastian were sitting together chatting. It sounded like he was catching her up on Hogwarts gossip.

How Garreth managed to get away with the quidditch scrimmage fire work display fiasco, but managed to get caught brewing a potion he wanted to give Duncan Hobhouse to help him get over his fear of puffskins.

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