12. Lilly Of The Valley

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——Valeria's POV——
As soon as I found Poppy and Natty they gave me the warmest hugs.

" We were so worried about you!" Poppy said softly.

" Not to mention it was kind of annoying seeing you and Jasper, and Imelda and Sebastian. That kind of effect is just weird." Natty laughed.

I cringed. " I don't want to hear more about my actions. Especially Sebastian's— while under that blasted potion" I sighed.

" Understandable... we really wanted to go dress shopping with you" Poppy sighed, helping to fix my hair up.

I nodded sadly. " Yeah me too. I'm sorry." I mumbled.

" It is not your fault! We understand it wasn't you." Natty said giving my arm a gentle squeeze.

I smiled. " Yeah but I didn't even get to pick a dress I wanted." I frowned looking at the red dress in the mirror. It was beautiful. But just didn't feel very me.

" Perhaps I can help with that!" Poppy grinned holding bc up her wand. " I've been practicing transfiguration more and more with my shoes and clothes. A ball gown can't be any different." She shrugged.

I stood in front of her with a shrug. " Have at it, Poppy. I've got nothing to loose."

She giggled and waved her wand.

I watched as my dress transfigured into a light pastel green color. It was flowy with beautiful butterflies lining the mesh skirt and my corset. This was definitely more my style. Elegant but simple.

The red dress was a bit too flashy.

" Oh poppy this is perfect!!" I said excitedly looking at myself in the mirror.

" I'm so glad you like it!!" She squealed.

" Now. I have a first dance to get to." I said affirmatively. Happy I wouldn't be disappointing Ominis.

" Oh? Wirh Sebastian I presume?" Natty giggled.

I rolled my eyes. " No no. I promised the first to Ominis. Honestly at this point just to irritate Sebastian." I laughed remembering how up in arms he was that I left him out when we found out about the dance.

Natty and Poppy exchanged glances.

" What..?" I laughed.

" Nothing we just.... kind of feeling you and Sebastian are avoiding feelings for one another.." Poppy admitted.

" What?" I scoffed and looked away.

" It's not bad!" Natty reassured. " It was also something we wanted to talk to you about when we were going to go dress shopping." Natty sighed. " It's no secret, Valeria. You both seem to fancy each other."

" And I kind of get the sense you're avoiding it even though you don't want to." Poppy suggested.

She was right.

I sighed. " I don't know how Sebastian feels." I stated. " And you are right. I have deeper feelings for him than I'd realized... However, there are some things happening right now that could ruin my friendship with him as is. Or worse" I mumbled.

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