Bunny (Duke Callen Deu Luwelton x younger! Reader )

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Yandere! Duke Callen Deu Luwelton x younger! Reader

Warning: non con, hypnotising, using of magic to make people do what they don't want to , manipulation, kidnapping, forced affection, forced marriage, couple with huge age gap, minors not allowed , forced pregnancy

The holy madian liked you alot . She was very fond of you and every one in the temple and outside know this thing. For Mariane who spent her most of the time in temple it was not unknown by her that the young ladies that always go there looking innocent and pure were not as pure as other think .

Until she meet you you were the purest little thing she ever had seen . She meet you on you 18th birthday when you came to the temple for her blessings. As already passed the marriage age you were not bothered in the least by the harsh words that were thrown on you during the blessings.

Mariane was shocked when you smiled at the jealous ladies who were saying you mean things like how they had heard the rumors that you were not virgin and that's the reason why you are not getting married. As not one wants to marry a tainted woman.

Everyone in the kingdom knew that you didn't wanted to marry because you wanted to find a husband who was closer to your age. And the young ladies who were jealous of you because you rejected the proposals of a lot of men who were their crush.

And one of them was Mariane's brother. He was wooing you since he saw you at the temple only once when you came to donate food and grains. He saw you and it was as if his whole world got overturned. In you white dress you were looking like an angel .

An angel whom he wanted to taint so much. He asked about you from his sister who was in the first time happy that his brother's choice has gotten better than the Miss Rose whom he had been dating.

And you won the hearts of the butler and his son Jade when they knew that you were the one whom Letitia always talked about. They were searching for this "Fairy" since she told them how a fairy used to come to her bringing her breads to eat.

Letitia was able to see you again when you visited the same restaurant for fresh breads that you used to give to the slum children. Jade and Callen were there with her when she jumped from her seat and hugged you crying.

You were shocked, when a noble child hugged you out of nowhere crying. Jade who was ready to stand up was stopped by Callen who was sitting there looking at you. And then the main blow came when you recognised the girl and you too started to cry.

"Rere why did you leave????? Where have you been ??? I was so afraid that something happened to you!!!! I tried so hard to find you."

Then she told you how she got adopted by the Duke and how he had made an orphanage for the children living in slum. You thanked him so many times that day . They took you to the orphanage so that you could give them the breads you had brought.

It was night when you all returned and he asked you to stay at his mansion. Jade was still suspicious of you but when you sweetly refused the Duke saying that it not good for you who is rumoured to be a whore to stay with him in his mansion . Jade and other servants who heard you were shocked.

Everyone got so angry on the people who had disrespected you; especially Jade.

Other ladies would have taken advantage of this situation so fast . Making excuses like how they feel sick and they needed to stay. Jade started to like you after that. You used to come to meet Letitia with Mariane regularly.Till Callen started to woo you.

He w//as not your liking??? No. You had crush on him ?? Yes!!! But why were you then refusing him?? He was 14 years older than you and had 2 children . Moreover he was dating Miss Rose. Your reputation was already so low you don't want to be a homewrecker. And you prefer your partner closer to your age.

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