His Siren part 2(Yandere! Fake fiance! Choi Pilwon x reader)

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"Where are you going my siren???"

You body froze....how in the hell he found you!!???

The last thing you saw was Pilwon's angry and hurt face and you felt a hit on the back of your neck and you lost consciousness.

Pilwon brought so many dresses for you and he wmhad returned home to you... He want to show you how much he loves you. And that he will never hurt you again... He opened the gate and froze..

He didn't used he keys .... Did he forgot to lock the gate??? He dropped the gifts he brought for you and ran around the house calling your name. You ran away .. you were no where.

Saw your note and opened his phone.


He is not letting you get away.... Money or not you are his!!!! He tracked you phone by gps.... His lovely siren is on a train....if he will travel by car he will surely reach the station the train is destined to stop before you....

He reached there and saw you looking around you like a lost kid... He is so angry in you... He took you home from there.

And this time chained you to the bed.... You opened your eyes and saw him sitting of an armchair looking at you...As soon as he saw you gained your consciousness he started to shed his clothes off.You coiled your body together.

"You were such a naughty girl .... Leaving your husband behind like that..... You said you gave back the money right?? You don't have any reason to stay.... Let me give you one then..."

It was going to be a long night for you..

He was lathering the loofa with soap , he started to scrub your body gently

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He was lathering the loofa with soap , he started to scrub your body gently. Cooing at you for being his good girl and a beautiful mother for his child ..... He never lets you bath alone after you tried to drown yourself after finding out you were pregnant with his child..

He was very sad.... How could you try to take his child away from him??? And killing yourself??? How do you think he will be able to leave without you.??? How could you be so cruel??? You tried to leave him before!!!!

He just wants his sweet wife back is it too much to ask for??? He was drying your body. He wrapped another towel around your body and lifted you up. He dress you up in a loose gown and laid you in the bed. Clasping the chain around your ankle again and locking it .

He would have not needed to do this if you would have been a good girl .... But he knows you hate him to hell .... And you will run away is you got a chance. He exited the room to bring your breakfast. After feeding you he kissed your head.

Putting you to sleep. You are not going anywhere..... He will not let you go ever again.....

You woke up from the noise of baby crying. You sat up still groggy from the sleep. You shifted to see Pilwon feeding the baby girl cooing and singing at her. The rattling of the chain made both the father and daughter look at you. Your daughter now forgot about being hungry.

She squealed and giggled while looking at you. Pilwon smiled at this too. He bounced the baby and brought her to you putting her into your lap. He sat beside you wrapping his hands around you.

"Our princes was hungry.... You were sleeping so I was feeding her dear.... But now that you are awake.... Why not you feed her... Your breasts look painfully full and heavy dear......"

He pulled the string of you silk night gown and untied the knott . The dress falled off your shoulders your breasts now bare you looked at the little bundle in your arms.... It's not her fault... She is an innocent child.... How could you hate the child you bore??

You started feeding her . His arms around you tightned . A rumbling growl you heard from him. He nuzzled his face into your bare shoulder buring it there. The girl was now asleep and he had put her in the crib. He slowly climbed on the bed looking at you.

You looked at him with horror in your eyes. Is he.... You looked down and saw a buldge in his pants. He blushed when he noticed that you noticed. He crawled on the top of you.

"Honey..... We need a son to protect or daughter and you ... Right??.... And now that you are healed you can be pregnant again right???"

His eyes full of lust and his expression lovesick. He pulled his clothes off and started to take you gwon off too. Horrified you tried to talk this out.

"P-Pilwon.... Baby just fall asleep.. she will woke up..."

He looked down at you alinging his tip at your entrance.

"Then do your best to keep your voice down???"

He suggested smiling lovingly while slamming himself inside you. He is obsessed with you and your body. But he loves it the most when you are pregnant.. with his child... Unable to run or push him away. Always Depending on him for your works.

"You gonna make such a good mommy for our sons...... "

He moaned biting his lips looking down at you. Your eyes widen by what he said... This will not be the end...and also the next one will not be ..... This man is crazy... But you are caged here with him and it's impossible to leave... You closed your eyes silently crying about your future.

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