His Siren part 1(Yandere! Fake fiance! Choi Pilwon x reader)

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Pilwon was frantically searching for you in the apartment. He going insane for you. You were no were to be found.he ran to your room to find it empty... It's the middle of the night where in the living hell have you gone??

He then noticed a note on the bed.

"I have transferred the money with intrest that my father took from you. It's will be shown in your bank account soon. Now that my father's debt is cleared there is no meaning to be here. Have a gorgeous life Mr. Choi Pilwon."

He panicked . He took out his phone to see that 2 Million won credited into his bank account. His face paled..... No..... Just now the things have been started to get better between you and him.
You were his Fiance.... More like his sex slave with a funny title . Your father was in debt and he took money from him... He came to your house to take your father but there he saw you. A sweet little thing of barely 20.

So he made a deal with your father . He will not kill him if he with give you to him , your father was reluctant to give you. So pilwon added that you will be his fiance and he will return you if your father will return his money.

You to save your father accepted the deal. And from then on your journey of hell started. You knew you were nothing but a pet with a better title. You knew about Jooha and his mother and pilwon's relationship with both.

After Jooha's mother died he brought Jooha to his apartment where you were living too. You never hated the boy once . Always being sweet to him . Giving him your shoulder to cry. And Pilwon??? You always treated him the same.

Like a soon to be wife should. But still he screamed at you every moment he saw you. Even your breathing was unbearable to him. He tortured you every single opportunity he got. And Jooha hated it. He would slap you or beat you when his mood his not good.

And it will be worse when he is in good mood. Raping you , burning your skin with ciggraette, choking you till you pass out..

.... Just to ammuse himself .... But you never raised your voice against him. But Jooha had noticed. Your past cherry lost, your eyes now lost there shine.

Jooha know... You had broken.... When ever he iwll bring little gifts for you like icecream or even a candy you will smile but never take them. Pilown was now restless. You had stopped pushing him back or even crying.

Whenever now he fuck you, you will look at the ceiling as if you have accepted your fate. He had slowly started to let Jooha go. He need to know what happened to you.... Inside he knew he is the reason.. but you are not broken right??? If he will show a pinch of affection you will be back to smiling at him and welcoming him home whenever he came back right ??

You will even make tie for him like before or fix his clothes smiling whenever he will be about to go out. Or ask him to come home early..... He had fallen in love with you.... He realised when he came back in the middle of the night his eye injured and bleeding.

He didn't accepted you to bandage for him and then call a doctor. The doctor when came had asked who bandaged him as the trained doctors are only able to do bandaging so good like this. The doctor then recognised you.. the top medical student.... his best practicing jr. Doctor. That left due to family problems.

Then only he knew that the money your father took was for your studies . He was tossing and turning in the bed the whole night. He never let you sleep on his bed even when he will fuck you... He will kick you out of the room naked and sore.

He got up and slowly walk to the living room . You were sleeping on the floor. He had denied you from using the sofa as for him it was expensive and you will ruin it.... The old blanket covering your short form .

He kneeled in front of you,  your bare legs had blue black marks from his previous beatings.

His heart dropped when , when he tried to lift you up you flinched in your sleep..... Are you that afraid of him??? He lifted up and took you to his room. He laid you on the bed and  covered you with his fluffy blanket. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into him ..... His ..  right???? You are his fiance.... His wife..

He will beg for your forgiveness..... Beg for it... Kneel for you... You can kill him... He will brought you dresses tomorrow... Then most expensive one and a lots of jewelleries. Will dress you up in pearls and gold..... You said you loved the pearl that Jooha showed you right??

Will make dress of only pearls for you and that will be your wedding dress. He smiled and rubbed his face into your back. The painof his damaged eye is numb. He woke up on bed and tried to feel you... But you were not there. He panicked and rushed out of the room.

There he saw you cooking . ..... Like a
good wife. He smiled and walked to you. He hugged you close kissing your neck and hugging you. You froze... Did he want sex ?? You turned off the stove and turned around to face him.

You got the news from your father that he will clear his debts today... Your father called you in the morning. That he already sent the money in his account. It wil take a few days for the amount to show in his bank..

He was looking at you with so much love in his eyes that you started trembling . He lifted his hand to touch your cheeks but you flinched and stepped back, raising your hands up to defend you. He stopped in the mid way... Oh yes... You are afraid of him...

He stepped back and left without saying anything. You were cleaning the house when you saw that the main door is not locked as usual.... He forgot to lock you in... Your mind got into work and you packing your things in one bag .

And ranaway. You were  sitting in a train you don't know where the train will take you... You just want to be away from him... As soon as you stepped your foot on the station and were thinking where to go a strong large hand grabbed your wrist.

"Where are you going my siren???"

You body froze....how in the hell he found you!!???

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