His Little Demon Empress ( part 1)

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Yandere!cheater!fiance! Gu Changge x chubby!GreatHealer!Fiance reader

Warning: sensitive people don't read !!!mention of sexual activity, body shaming, cheating, planning to murder, gore, blood , pulling out body parts, poisioning.

Gu changge tried to touch your hand and hold it ;but the way you fastly, retreated your hand made his heart clench. You bowed to him and walked out of the room. He tried to get up to follow you but his injured body wasn't letting him.

He would wait for you to come back and sit in the room . But you never came...the hut remained empty until it was his medicine time or feeding time. He looked into his status...... Still infinity in luck and fortune.... But then why can't he have your attention??.

At night too he waited for you to come and sleep in the hut ....maybe not on the bed beside him (he is craving that you would do that..) even on the floor beside his bed.... But no.... You stayed out of the hut . He fall asleep waiting for you but you never came.

When he woke up he felt his body lighter.... He had gained his strength back... He jumped off the bed... It's still dark...may be 3 or 4 hrs more to sunrise. He got out of the hut and saw you sitting on one of the stools beside the table that he saw the day you brought him in.

The wild animals resting surrounding you . He took step closer to you. Your chubby body relaxed.... Your puffed chubby cheeks resting on your arms . The urge to scoop you into his arms and hug you. He noticed the silk blind fold on your eyes his heart clenched painfully.

You were nothing but a tool to increase his luck and fortune, and hides what you understood it

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You were nothing but a tool to increase his luck and fortune, and hides what you understood it. You still loved him unconditionally. Still trying to get his attention. He still remembers just how much you loved when he used to complement your e/c coloured eyes.

And well they were truly pretty for him as they contained the power to heal. That why he kept you with him..... He only wanted your power heck...... Not even your power....he only wanted your eyes power. But still he showed you some fake affection as you were his fiance since he was a child.

You still were happy that even if you didn't look pretty and were on heavier side he used to give you his attention..... Happy even after knowing that he was not yours in the slightest. You were happy that he needed you even if it was for only using you.

Oh how happy you were when he took your virginity.... Thinking that finally he will only give attention to you only to be broken when next day you woke up alone with the other side of your bed cold. You still tried to lift up your mood as you dressed up beautifully and walked to his chambers to meet him....

Only to hear his conversation with Qingge that he will get rid of you soon as she doesn't like you with him. That he only wants your fortune..... And when she asked why he complimented your eyes he said he is in reality disgusted by them... That you look like a demon....

That he only want the eyes and want to give them to her that they will suit her better.... You said nothing the tears flowing from your eyes. Oh how naviely you have starved yourself..... So that you would get a little thin.... So that he would like you even a bit..

You returned to your chambers.... Not to say that he got informed that you had came to meet him when he was with miss Qingge but returned after hearing the conversation.

Not to say that night he came to visit you again.... To make you drink some lies he made.... And the movement he entered your chambers it was least to say that he was so attracted when he saw you on the bed waiting for him...... Half dressed in the thinnest nightwear. As soon as he saw you he felt he was pushed to your feet.

His hands gotten wrapped around your body. Gripping the chub kissing you.... Maybe.... Maybe he will let you stay around him some more.... But when he tried to kiss you; you turned your head away.... Before he could have said any thing you pushed him on the bed and climbed him.

His breath stopped the second he saw you on top of him.... Looking so devine....Once you get him under you he was lost ..,he became addicted to your squelching pussy so immediately, your weight slapping against him, your boobs bouncing..in his face, the lewd sounds your pussy’s making instantly makes him melt.

Qingge can never compare to you....... Heck no other woman will ever be compared to you......

“Wait- slow down..”

he grunted,  his fingers tangled themselves in the sheets while his teeth dig into his bottom lip. His half lidded eyes kept bouncing from your cunt to your tits and from you boobs to your pudgy tummy, he didn't know where to look. His head tosses back his long hairs speard on the pillow and you turned your head away...you looked up ward to the ceiling....

You felt his hand on your cheek as he tried to get up and sit using his elbow.  Then only he saw that you were crying.... heck even sobing.... the moon light making the tears drop shine... his body started to loose it's power.....he fall back into the pillows...

What did you do to him??? He know that you are a genius healer and have great knowledge of herb.... it must be your doing... but what?? Then he realised .. the inscene you used..... He tried to get up only for you to look away and then your hips slowly increased their speed and the look on his face changes from euphoric to one of panic.

He tried to stop you.. he knows that you don't want him to touch you ever again ...you hate him....and he never liked you before then why is he feeling that his heart is in his stomach??? He tried to warn you
“I'll cum inside if you don't slow down.".

You whimper sobbed his tip pressing against your sweet spot not so pleasurably, Gu changge's breaths quickened as his head tossed back against the pillow, he let out a low mumble of a curse before his body tenses up and you can feel the rush of cum flood inside of you. You don’t stop. Your hips continue to assault him and he's falling apart, mouth hung open in a silent moan as he got ridden into overstimulation. 

Then suddenly he felt you lift up from his cock... With soft squelching and a pop sound his cock came out of your puffy womb. He watched you helplessly as you got dressed up . His eyes trained on your hole that was leaking his cum. And then you came to kneel in front of the bed with a box and a surgery knife.

Are you going to kill him??? Do you hate him that muc.... Noo.noo what are you doing ...no please don't!!!

You gauged your left eye the tears falling , he watched you in horror crying... Trying his best to make his body work.... To hug you stop you... And then you gauged your right eye.... He looked stunned and broken at you.... He is sorry ... Please... But to his horror it was not the end.

You put the eyes in the box and enchanted the box with preservation magic. Stumbling while trying to stand you put the box on his chest... And bowed to him taking a blind fold and puting it on your wounded eyes not even bothering to wipe the blood or stop the bleeding , you started to walk out of the chamber.

Just before you would have left you turned around and said...

"Have a good fortune master Gu I hope you will get all my fortune....evrything in this world be yours except me."

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