His Little Demon Empress ( part 2)

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Yandere!cheater!fiance! Gu Changge x chubby!GreatHealer!Fiance reader

Warning: sensitive people don't read !!!mention of sexual activity, body shaming, cheating, planning to murder, gore, blood , pulling out body parts, poisioning.

He still remembered how he waited till the work of the tonic you used ended ... How he ordered everyone to find you.... He hoped that because you can't see you would not have been gone far...but he wasn't able to catch you... You didn't even took anything...

Not even one dress he gave you.... Or the hairpin you requested him to buy for you....the one you cherished so much that you never weared in fear of breaking... How he waited that maybe you will come back.. True to your words his fortune seemed no bounds...

Everything was in his feet....except you in his arms..... And then he heard about a goddess residing the neighbouring kingdoms forest.... And that she heals people.... His right hand man confirmed him that it was you....

How without even thinking about it twice he drank a leathal poision and dragged his dying body to your humble abode.... How he wanted to die in your arms as you tried to drag him in you hut and nurse him back to health.... And how he understood that you know who he was.

How you don't eat with him or sit with him... Not even stay in the hut for more than coming to check on him... Not even in the night..... How you pull away whenever he tries to even touch your skin.... Turning your face away in disgust. He was watching your chubby form sleeping soundly.

Oh what he would do just to have you back in his arms ... To have you on his lap.... On his bed as his official wife..... to give him his heirs that his father is bugging him for.... To make others heal your eyes and then when you will look at him with those pretty eyes.... To destroy the world and give it to you to rebuild it as you would like it to.

His hand stretched to touch your cheek and he heard a growl from beneath you. One of your pet ; wild leopard growled at him .... He was trying to shush the animal down when you jumped on your feet pulling away from his reach....

"Sir you should rest inside your body is still weak.........."

("Hubby you should sleep some more....... You need your stamina for me right???")

Oh how his ears is playing with his mind.... He can hear you calling him husband now..... you told him to return to the hut as you were going to bring water to make him breakfast..... Without a question he returned.... Hypnotised by your voice... a blush on his face.

He laid in the bed hard as rock...
He humping the sheets thinking of you...
He will take you back.....
He is not going to let you go again ....
You are his wife!!!!

Rutting in the sheets he climaxed and his hips came to a stuttering stop. He will take you back from this honeymoon destination of yours that you found....but only after he will be sure you are pregnant. He fall into slumber thinking of you.... He woke up with the smell of fresh food.

His eye trying to find you .... He wants to talk to you... He waited ....and waited..... Till it was night.. the food cold .... He saw you entering the hut and then you saw the untouched food... The bed empty..... Maybe he is gone for good that's what you thought. As soon as you tried to move you smell waft you incense.... No it's the herb you used on him... No!!

You tried to cover your nose but you were pulled into a hard chest . You panicked trying to wiggle out of the grip but soon your body got paralysed. He carried you to the bed .. undressing you one by one ... And then you saw the monster bite his lips...and smile as looking down at you.

Undressing himself he alinged his cock to your entrance , one hand on your cheek and the other holding your hand he kissed your palm.

"I truly missed you my pretty wife"

Your eyes shed the tears as he's thrusted and sheathed inside you moaning. He raped you all night... Telling you he now has you back in his arms and how you will be soon heavy with his kids.... Maybe one daughter who looks like you and then Sons.....

You lost consciousness as he came inside you the nth time. Your body totally exhausted but he showed no signs of stopping. You woke up and tried to lift your hand up but to no avail you weren't able to. Soon he entered the hut with fresh food.

And you looked away...

"Honey be good and look at your husband."

But you denied his request and you didn't looked at him. Soon what he said made you shivered.

"You want it or not you are mine.....I was too blind to see the goddess I had..... But let me be clear I'll keep you and our kids safe from now on..... And for the first step in that direction...... You need to eat..... To nourish our children..... Unless you want me to feed you....."

Not a surprise he did forcefully feed you...... And your days in the hell had just started.... He will bath , feed you but after that he would only fuck you.....whole day and night ... Only stopping to cook for you and feed you.... Otherwise he would even sleep inside you....

He was making love to you early in the morning and you felt the urge to vomit. You suddenly pushed him away and vomited on the floor beside bed... For a sec he was shocked...but soon your eyes widen in horror as your eyes meet his grinding face..

No .....your hand shot up to touch your belly...you can't be pregnant........ But unfortunately you were pregnant. As soon as he confirmed that you are pregnant he took you in his arms and returned to the sect. Can't have his pregnant wife live in poor condition can he???.

Soon your chamber moved closer to his.... Leaving the fact that you still lived in his chamber...(he had you chained to his bed..)the best doctors to tend for you and the best dresses that compliment your beautiful body.... Not to say the dresses had became so revealing showing your pregnant belly and full breasts..... Your thick thighs and beautiful curves

The way the men; even the older ones drooled whenever they got your glimpse let it be walking with him or when he carried you in the garden to get some fresh air.. he feels so proud of you.... The day he asked his father that he will marry you and his father saw you... He smriked when he saw the men in the court ...even Qingge's father drooled at your pretty pregnant form that was snoozing in his arms ....

And to be sure ... This will be not the last time you will be pregnant....In the future you will be more busy than this...this child of yours is first of the many....that you will bear for him in the future ... And if nessecary....he will drug you for life..

Or maybe cut your leg tendons and make you paralysed for life??? To make sure you don't run away....but for now he knows you know what he can do to make sure that you will stay with him..... In his reach...

He told you that by his actions when he killed Qingge and feed her corpse to the vultures.......you are his goddesses his little demon empress..... And he is not letting you go anywhere...

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