Arranged Marriage (Yandere!husband!Clerivan pellet x wife!reader

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First of all this man thought he was definitely asexual , and this was not only him but everyone who knew him. Till he meet you .

You were a fresh out of academy accountant, and he was not the first person who meet you , it was Florentia who found you.

She suggested him to take you under him as his secretary.

And he was very angry that his lady didn't think of him as good enough that she suggested a younger immature idiot as his assistant or secratary.

But it was till he saw you.... And he was thanking Florentia in his heart from the start of the conversation with you till the end .

The arranged marriage was not arrange to be exact... Or it was only arranged for you by him.

This man is intelligent as fuck .

You were shocked when your parents suggested him.. your boss as your groom.

You rejected the proposal leaving a very heartbroken Clerivan. Is he not your liking?? Is there some defect in him?? He has looks ... He is popular among the ladies in the higher society. Then why??

Your rejection hurted his self respect. He wants you.... He gonna get you...

And that's how you don't even know how even after rejecting your boss's marriage proposal you ended up being married to him.( Did definitely didn't used Florentia to ask her grandfather to ask your parents to marry you to him)

And now he is happily married to you and you are not happy about this.

And now he is happily married to you and you are not happy about this

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He know that you didn't liked the way he married you. You rejected him and he coaxed your parents into giving you to him. It was forced on you.

And your hate towards him was not something that was hidden. You didn't talked to him after your marriage. You even tried to scare him on your wedding night.

You told him that if he will touch you; You will poison yourself. But Clerivan is a very patience man. He assured you that he will not touch you without your permission.

But you still slept in another room . Your hatred towards him was something that every one who knew you two can see clearly.

At work place too you try to stay away from him and his touch . Answering him in the least words as possible. Avoiding him at all cost and refusing to take carriage to return 'home' after work even if it cost you to overwork yourself. 

And he like a good , patience man always waited for you till you finish your work . Stopped using carriage so he can walk with you to home for your safety. Giving you kisses now and then on your cheeks and back of your neck.

Squeezing your waist when he came to grab something near you. Tilting your head up so he would look in your eyes when you answer what he asked.

Preparing tea and snacks for you at break time. Everyone who can see you two can tell he was head over heels for you. And Florentia too knew that he was a very patience man....

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