His Sultana (Yandere prince Karnan Barreton x Lion hybrid female reader)

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Warning: mention of sexual activity, child murder, abortion ,slave trading , slave buying , pregnancy, abuse , kidnapping , forced breeding.

He can't even tell how much he was amused after he saw you that day in the slave market in the auction... At first he just wanted to complete his mission to caught the child traffickers but then his eyes got pulled along to the omnious corner of the black market.

And as if the dealers understood after looking at him for the first glance that he was a big shot , they start to show him their most premium products..... And his legs stopped in front of your cage. He have many pet lioness's whom he adores soo much. But he never had seen a lioness hybrid before in his life...

Karnan was convinced ; you're perfect for him. You're so pretty, curled up in the corner of your cage at the shelter, looking at him with wide glossy eyes and practically trembling. But still trying to scare him off by giving your predatory eyes growling at him. But he knew you are too afraid and weak to even thought of attacking him..

Your ribs sticking out and you cheeks sunken.The dealer of the shop tried to guide Karnan to a different section of the shop , the section reserved especially for those with big pockets where beautiful glossy rare hybrids pranced and preened, but Karnan refuses to move from your more poorly maintained section, his eyes glued on you. You only snivel pathetically in response, tucking your puffed tail further between your legs.

He simply points at you, stating that he wants to buy you. It's a fight to get you out of your cage. You hiss and claw, and you even yowl threateningly before trying to sink your teeth into his arm when he was lovingly trying to pull you out of your cage.

It's a miracle that Karnan was able to manage to get you back to his palace. You dart off right when you're released, slipping underneath his bed and refusing to come out. When you refuse to come out, Karnam tried to lure you out with treats and toys that his pet lioness's used to play with, but instead, you flinch at his hand coming near and press yourself further into the wall.

It's took you a few days when you only watched him interact with his pet lioness . You then started to let the lionesses come closer to you . And then he smiled when one day he found you cuddling with the lionesses sleeping in his bed. After that when he tried to touch you and you still used to flinch but now were able to let him touch you..

He found out you were not able to speak but still your expressions told him everything. He swooned at the moments when you used to purr when he used to scratch you ears and pet you.... And one thing after another he fall for you... 6th month after he bought you he took you under the moon light..

Filling you up again and again. Leaving you whimpering and moaning mess. For you , you were very happy finally your bad days ended .... But.... You become pregnant and you stomach started to show .. you were soooo happy !!! So delighted but .... Karnan..... For him you were a cheater..

Without second thought he blamed you ... That you where sleeping with someone other than him or how else you look 7 moth pregnant when he slept with you only a month ago???? How could you do this to him when he had done so much for you and brought you here gave you a place to live ... For him you where an ungreateful whore . But you said nothing.... you kept each and every abuse from him silent.

Until he did something he shouldnot have... He still remembers the day he locked you in a room for 2 days without water or food. Why??? You accidentally broke the vase in his room... Was that his favourite vase ?? No.... He was just angry and disgusted by you that you betrayed him... How dare you... Try to run around his palace and break things when you are carrying other man's child???

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