Star crossed lovers {Yandere lover!Beit(Caramel Ebinu) x Noble Reader}part1

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Warning : Mature content, mention of unhealthy Obsession, mention of cheating, mention of pregnancy, secret relationship.

Your breath hitched as he pulled you closer to his body. You panted lowly as he nudged your chin with his nose lovingly, inhaling your intoxing smell. You put your open palm on his chest trying to lightly push him away, even if you wanted more of it.

You were afraid what would your father think... What the society would say about your family and you ... That the youngest and with most loved child of Marquess was seeing a commoner shop owner. But a part of you wanted to be shellfish... What was the result of being pure ?? When your good for nothing leech fiance leeched out money from your family to stand his drowning business.

The only thing because of what he was able to be your fiance was due to his family being one of the high society noble before it fall. Your family and your fiance's family promised you two for each other years ago... But then again why only you suffer?? Your eyes filled with tears as you weakly tried to push Beit away again. On this you heard a stern purr from the man as he pulled you into him more.

Grabbing your hair and pulling your head back roughly kissing your neck and collarbone and leaving marks in wake. With a heavy heart you pushed him away roughly this time. You put you hand on your chest as you saw Beit looking at you with longing and betrayal.

"You know I love you.... It doesn't matter that your family is a noble!!! I know I'm not that rich but I will keep you happy I'll work my self to bone to provide for you....Y/n.."

"No... Please Beit say no more.."

"I will be there for you.... I love you Y/n ..." "You are the only elixir for me... I'll die... Please don't do this to me..."

"I can't... I can't see my family get humiliated.... Beit... Im sorry this is it....this is how it is .... True love never last together for long....we are nothing but star crossed lovers."

"Please don't say that.... Don't be so cruel to me...'

"Beit... I can't be yours .. unless my fiance die or he got himself into a bigger scandal...."

"Is my love nothing for you???"

You saw him crying first time.. eyes red filled with betrayal and hurt. You came closer to him your trembling hand touching his cheek. You looked into his eyes but he looked away huffing like a angry child but he still put his hand above yours on his cheek.

You smiled pitifully with trembling lips. And then you asked him.

"Beit you remember I told you, you look and act like a cat??? Those sneaky little things ??who are curious and cute??"

"Don't change the topic... You never once told me back that you loved me... You every time I said I loved you you ignored it... Am I just a playtoy for you... mmmmphhh"

Before you knew your lips touched his.. he tasted the saltiness of you tears , your pain as you pulled away he tried to grabbed your hand his heart In your hand as he watched you walk away to the door of exit . The tears fall from his eyes as he one last time saw you turn around.

"Beit...... I love cats... More than my life... I love them...."

With that you left.. his body slumped on the floor. He could have taken you like how any other man could have . Kept you inside his closed bedroom... Impregnating you again and again. But he thought it would kill your soul.. that's why he waited... He tried to make you fall for him.. and he succeeded... But then why are you like this??

Are those nights you came for him to get comfort in his arms are nothing for you??The day you came to him to get info if you Fiance is cheating on you?? You were so sure that he wouldn't sell the info to others . Do you even know how many noble men and old men are after you??

If they got the news that your marriage is not even good and your fiance is a cheater they you jump on the opportunity to take him down and try to get their dirty hands on you for power?? Just how many imes he had told you he isn't after your money??

You accepted that pig as your husband even after knowing he is sleeping around?? And accepted it as fate??? You called your and his love of star crossed lovers??? no..... There no word like that in his dictionary.... If he wants you . You are his... And right now... He would do anything to have you ...

His head fall back and his fingers touches his lips when he remembered your kiss. You made bad person fall for you creampuff... You made devil fall for you... So it's either kill that pig or drag him down into mud??why not both?? And then stain your family??? If you want to break his heart like this... Then hate him like you should.... He laughed maniacly , his voice echoing inside his empty bakery shop.

 He laughed maniacly , his voice echoing inside his empty bakery shop

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Two days it had been you are dying inside... You want him... You want Beit 's love him... But what if your family hurt him... Or hate him?? But suddenly you heard your father commanding guards to throw someone out of the house.

Your lips trembled is Beit here?? No... Right??? You think about the worst as you walked to the source of the noise and you saw you fiance being thrown out.. as soon as he saw you he tried to approach you but your brother punches him to the ground and dragged him out by his hair.

Your older sister hugged to calm you down and your father hugged you two. After he calmed down he sat down and told you every thing.. how he got a letter from an anonymous sender about the wrong doings of your fiance. His cheating and his plan to murder you to take our fortune.

He got on his knees and cried hugging you. Telling you he is sorry... He asked why didn't you told him about his cheatings ?? Because the letter said that you knew but kept quiet. Your family hugged you and told you they would have stayed with you in your side.. Even if you would have loved some other man even if he would have been a commoner....

Your ears rang. You cried and apologized for being unfilial child. You told them that you love someone but he is a baker... You father and brother looked at each other. And then they calmly asked you If they can meet him.

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