Lovebite Prom

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I wake up to see Travis sleeping on the matress on the floor, how is he still sleeping? it's literally almost 10 am, he's lucky that there's no school. Today is the day of prom and Larry told us that we could all gather up later at his place right before and get ready, by us i mean Travis, Todd, Neil and I. But that isn't untill like 8:00 tonight.

I put on my prosthetic and go to use the bathroom. Dad left for work earlier this morning and left us some crackers with philadelphia cheese on them in the fridge, i take one on the way and eat it. It's fun to eat crackers because i can slide them through the mouth hole of my mask, it's like a piggy bank.

After i'm done using the bathroom, i wash my hands of course. As i look into the mirror, i notice something odd, almost like a bruise. Is it a.. A hickey?! "Travis?!" i shout, hoping he'll hear it and wake up, and surley, he does. "Gee, what's all this shouting abou-" He stops mid-sentence, as i show the lovebite, right on the left side of my neck. "Oh my god! that was me, wasn't it?" he says. I nod slowly. "I'm so sorry!". " Hey! Hey, It's fine, it's not your fault! S'not like i tried to stop you." I say as reassuring as possible. "In fact.. I really wouldn't mind doing it again"


It' Now 8 pm and me and Travis are knocking on Larry's door, i think we are the last. "Welcome to the 'Get ready' Party, Dudes!" Travis Gives him a high five and so do i. "Yo, Larry?" He says. "Can i borrow the bathroom quickly?" "Mi casa is your casa, dude, go ahead.". Larry turns aroud to say something but then just ends up looking at my neck. "So.. how'd you get that.. bruize, Sally man?". Shit, shit , shit, shit! What do I say? "Oh yeah," i fumble. " i.. Fell out of bed this morning." He looks me in my eyes, dead serious. "Look man," he says." Fuck, how do i say this.. Just, i know that you and Travis are like, a thing, you don't have to hide it. Lets be honest, you haven't been as descreet as you think." Now i'm the one staring. " haha.. yeah... How long have you even known?" i ask. "Since the day he asked you to prom."He says with a grin. "How the FUCK do you know about that!?" "That's for me to know and for you to ask Travis about" "SAY IT!" "Fine, fine i'll tell you. I kinda, sorta like, encouraged him" "I thought you hated him?" "Meh, not so much"


Sal has gone to change into his prom clothes and i'm sitting trying to figure out how to put on this god damn bowtie. I'm wearing the blue and black tuxedo my mom gave me. I feel kind of bad for giving Sal a hickie. I mean, do hickies hurt? What if people point it out and he gets embaressed or sad or-Then, Out of nowhere, Sal walks into the room wearing a white shirt with a black vest, a black, long skirt and a red tie. "So," he says. "How do I look?"It's almost impossible to speak. "wow, yeah you look- it looks- great!" "Sal i think ya broke Travis" Larry begins. "Can you fix him again? It's unbearable to listen to."

When we arrive at the prom, everything has already begun. The music is blasting it feels like your heart beats in harmony with it. "Alright" says Larry clasping his hands together. "Imma go try to bribe the DJ to play sanitys fall, see ya later!" i look at Sal and he looks at me. "Just us then?" "Just us."


TW: F-slur

A good 20 minuets goes by and we try to do typical prom-shit, like drink punch, dance to the shitty hiphop music, drink more punch ( well, only me because sal doesn't want to drink alot, since there's alcohol in it and he's afraid he'll end up an alcoholist because it runs in his family) and we even tried to socialice, but it just wasn't it. Then abruptly, there's someone behind us trying to speak to us. "Hey,Sal, was it?" they say. We turn around and see some boy that i think has chemestry class with us, sal answers him. "Yeah, what's up?". "Is that a hickey? like, who gave it to you? Was it you, Phelps? I didn't know you two were a couple of f@gs." he says laughing. I look over at Sal and I expect him to have the best comeback, but I think I'm the only one that can see it, i think he's crying, then he runs away. I try to catch up to him, but he's already out of sight. I've never actually seen him cry before, and it hurts to see him so despairing.

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