I know what I have to do.

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(2190 words) good day/morning/night/evening my fellow goblins! Have you ever heard of drugs? Well, imma say it like David: "Yinz gotta lay off da drugs, man. U'll have a better life fer it." YIKEWS!(Just lettin you know, there will be weed, smut, angst and hints of scuicide + other in this chap, so If you get triggered by that, you can skip the parts i marked) Plus, keep in mind that i am demisexual and i kind of cringe while writing smut, but i did my best.


It's December 12:th and I'm on my way to school. Without Travis. He said he had to just take it easy today and insisted that he was fine with me going to school without him, but I'm still worried. It feels weird and like there's a piece missing from me.
At least I have Larry and Todd walking with me. It's nice to have the majority of my friends living in the same building. That includes Travis now. Though, he's more than my friend, he's my boyfriend!

Todd and Larry seem concerned. "Sal, are you okay?" Todd asks. "Yeah," Larry adds in. "You seem out of it. Whatsup?" I snap out of my bubble and look up at them. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just.. worried about Travis, you know?" "He's probably just tired." Todd continues.
That's a part of why I'm worried. Travis has seemed stressed lately. Like, about school work and stuff. I also think it has something to do with his parents, he misses his mum a lot. They haven't seen each other since before prom. Sure they text sometimes, but he's worried that his dad is going to take out his rage on her. "Yeah," I say. "It's probably nothing."


The snow under my feet is crumbling and my hair is completely covered in snowflakes. I'm on my way to the store to buy Sal a gift. I told him I just needed a day to rest and relax, but that was a lie. I feel trashy lying to him like that, we never lie to each other. But it's for a good cause, a white lie. His birthday is tomorrow and I couldn't think of any other time to get him anything.

quick time skip

I'm standing in the gift shop trying to figure out what to get him. It. Is. Impossible. The only things that doesn't suck here are a pair of Hawaiian flip flops and a birthday card that says "happy birthday to our sweet, twelve year old girl", but-no. As I give up, I hear a familiar voice behind me. "Travis?". Oh god, it's Philip.

Me and Philip used to hang sometimes. But that was before. Before I started to hang out with Sal and the others. Before I realized that I didn't hate Sal because he was a queer, but that I didn't want to admit that I liked him and that I was one, too. I thought that Philip was cool, but I saw him standing in the crowd when Martin was being a dick, and he let it all happen.

"Yeah?" I scuff out. "What do you want?" "I don't want any trouble, okay?" He says. "I just wanted to say, like, that I'm sorry. For not sticking around when you started to hang out with those f- those people.". Wait what? He's apologizing? "Oh.." I'm at a loss for words. He's never been the person to apologize. "I don't expect you to forgive me, but I needed to tell you." "I don't want anything to do with you, but I appreciate your apology.". We stand there for a good 10 second before I think of something. "Can you actually help me with something?" . He confusingly nods. "I have to give a gift for - someone, and I don't know what to get them. They are really sweet and helpful, he deserves something special." "He.. this someone seems wonderful. I think they would be happy with anything, just that it's from you. Like something they know you put effort in.". Then it hits me. I know what to get him. "Thank you.. Philip." "No problem? And also, say sorry to Sal from me. I should've done something." I don't say anything back, I just leave. Maybe he has changed. But it'll take time before I'll be able to forgive him.


I walk through the front door of 402 after a long day without Travis, it has sucked. But my mood brightens when I hear that beautiful voice. "Sally? Is that you?". "Nope" I say ironically. "It's an axe murderer" . Travis comes up to me and picks me up in a hug, my feet lift off the ground. "I know it's only been a couple of hours, but I've still missed you!" "Class was so boring without you, you don't even know."

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