My sweet, adenoidal voice

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I dunno what to do with my life, what am I doing? I'm here at three am writing Travis and Sal fanfics.. Niiice. YIKEWS! (Plus there might be some words everyone doesn't know, so go to the bottom to check what they mean if u don't understand (>ᴗ•)


Today is Especially cold. The freezing and biting wind hitting my face makes me think of snow. It's finally December and I have a feeling it's going to snow today, it has been -5 to -10 degrees Celsius for about 2 weeks.

It's eight pm in Nockfell and me and Travis are going on a walk to outside his family's church. He doesn't want to go in there because of obvious reasons, but still want to go, since he's still praying. We've done this a couple times now and everything seems to have gone fine.

We get to the backside of the church and he sits on his knees in front of the tainted window with mother Mary on it. I sit down next to him and close my eyes, I hope it makes him feel a bit more to routine. I don't do anything else than to sit there, listening to him say a few prayers. It's somehow calming to listen to his voice get a bit calmer as he goes on and tells god to bless his mother and home. But then he procedes to say something else than usual, he's whispering the words quick and quietly. "God bless Henry, Lisa, Larry and Sal. Also Gizmo." I feel myself smiling at that sentence. His voice goes back to normal as he ends with an Amen.

The sunset shining through the tainted window makes lines of colorful light shine in our faces. He has a stripe of purple light shines across the bottom half of his face, making his lips shimmer. My lips are crusty and dry from the cold and my mask constantly rubbing against them, but the lips of my prosthetic are always shiny, no need for lip balm.


I open my eyes to see Sal looking at me, the bright blue light from Mary's clothing, shining on his whole body, it matches his hair and eyes."You feeling alright, Trav?" He asks. His voice is so breathy and husky with a deep undertone. "Yeah," I say " Thanks for coming with me". My voice isn't lovely or romantic as his, it's grating or how some people describe it, adenoidal or raucous. That means that his voice comes from his throat while my voice sounds like it's coming from my nose, most people find that really annoying. I wonder if he does too. "No problem!" Sal continues "it's just nice spending time with you". His green earmuffs are swaying side to side as he talks, they are WAY too big on him.

While walking back, the snow starts falling down faster than light. "Ha!" I say "I knew it!" Sal looks at me and chuckles a bit, his laughter sounding like the wind. "Didn't you bet with Larry on that? That it was gonna snow?"  "Yup, he owes me two dollars now."  He leans against me as we're walking, his head onto my arm. "You two have got to stop making bets" he says. "You're gonna turn broke"


We get back to the apartments and into my room again, I expected dad to be home from work already, since his workday ended an hour and a half ago, maybe he went to the pub. Travis flops onto his mattress as soon as we get to my room and I lay beside him after taking off my winter-wear.

Our tangled legs are warming each other up from being outside for so long and my arms are wrapped around his torso. One of his hands are rubbing my thigh and the other is on my back, it feels nice and sparky. My head is laying on his chest, it's relaxing feeling it go up and down as he breathes. I look up to see if he's sleeping, but he's looking at me, smiling. "What?" I snicker. His eyes are so beautiful, they look like caramel toffee. "Nothing." His face glowing from the ceiling lights looks so warm and soft. I lift my prosthetic slightly and kiss him on the cheek, its cold from outside. Travis is so sweet and kind once you get to know him, you just got to break through that core. This month has been one of the best ones in my life. Before all this, if he disapeared, i wouldn't care, but now, i don't know what i would do without him. 

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