I love you

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Well hiya there wattpadders! I wrote a whole chap a few days ago, but it fuckin disappeared! I was so proud of it! but i don't wanna write it again. Please enjoy this one instead! YIKEWS!


I'm about to say goodbye to Todd when he points something out. "Hey, uhh.. you should probably go talk with Travis. I think he's got something on his mind." My heart almost drops to the floor. "Is he okay?! Is he sad or worrying about something? Do you know what's wrong?" "Well, you should see for yourself. But I don't think he's got anything to worry about." "Wait, what do you m-" "Byee! See you at school!" He leaves before I can finish my sentence. What did he mean? Does he know anything?

I walk over to my room where Travis is, sitting in my bed (It's basically became our room in the past 7 weeks). Todd was right, something seems.. off about him. He's distracted by something, it's obvious, he's just staring into the floor.
"Hey, Trav." I say. "Something wrong?" "No, it's..- ugh I suck at this". He tries to build words but they won't come out. "Take your time. You can tell me anything, you know that, right? I'm here for you."


His voice is appealing at this moment and I feel safe. I try to say the words but it's like something is blocking my throat from letting them out. What if I'm not able to say, that I'm too scared? I try to think of what Todd said. 'You just have to do it'. I just have to do it, let it slip out. Like ripping off a band-aid.

This should be easier. Why am I being a fucking wuss?
I take his hand and look into his eyes, they're looking worried. I'm doing this now. Not 'I'll wait for the perfect moment', but Now. I open my mouth and the words just burst out, like popping a balloon. "I love you, Sal."

" Y-You don't have to say it back, I.. just wanted you to know.". The worry in his eyes vanished and a smile grows on his face. "Trav, I love you too. I love you, sweetheart!" He says sniffling. It feels like everything around us is floating and rotating. "I love you.. so much."

I lay my forehead onto his, it's warm and blushing. Our arms are wrapped around each other in the closest hug anyone could ever imagine. "So, are we like- are you my boyfriend now?" I question. He moves his head to look at me. "Do you want me to be?" "Yeah! I'd like that." "Then hello, I'm your boyfriend!"


Our faces are close as he kisses me. I'm really, really happy. I was starting to think about telling him those tree words myself, I was scared he would be weirded out by it or something. But now I just have a huge blob of happiness inside me.

"All I want is to tell the whole word that I love you." I whisper to him. "Then do it." "What?" "Do it!" I gather as much air as possible before I scream:"I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND SO MUCH! A BIT TOO MUCH, MAYBE!". I jump as I hear a voice from the other room. "I Know ya do, bro! But I'm trying to take a nap!" Larry shouts barely loud enough for us to hear him. "Oh yeah," Travis adds. "I forgot he was there."


We've been laying on the floor for fifteen minutes now. Sal is literally asleep, I don't know how. He's got no blanket or pillow, isn't it uncomfortable? His body is slightly shivering and shaking, is he having nightmares again or is he just cold?

I pick him up in my arms, it's really not that hard since he weighs basically nothing. I place him on his bed, wrap the duvet around him and kiss his forehead. I whisper " love you.". As I turn around to lay down on my mattress, I hear his voice. "I love you too. Remember that." "Oh sorry, did I wake you up?". He slowly shakes his head and yawns. "Nah, I was awake this whole time. Just wanted you to carry me." He says mid-yawn. My cheeks turn pink as I think to myself. That was pretty cheesy, but really cute. "Well, g'night, Travis" He adds. I look at him as he falls asleep for real. "Good night, love."

HEY there! Sorry this one wasn't as long, only 807 words, but I've had migraines that's been lasting for days because of anxiety, but I think it'll be over soon. I feel bad when I don't post, like it's a responsibility, so I try to work on them as much as possible. Love you always, YIKEWS!

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