Chapter 10 : Too much trouble.

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Third person point of view

They were done and went to sit in the living room again. Aaron and Cecil exchanged a look. Cecil got the signal and quickly worked his brain. " I want to go look around the house ". Cecil said and the elders let them be. He turned to Aaron. Aaron also got up and they walked out of there. They went to Aaron's room. Cecil made an excuse so they could talk. 

" What do you mean you will move into my house ? " Aaron asked as soon as he closed the door. Cecil huffed. " Then what do you expect me to say ? Your grandson and I are getting married so that he can get the inheritance, so we will be staying in our own houses. Is that it ? " Aaron clenched his jaw. 

Cecil stood in front of Aaron with a firm gaze. " Just so you know, all those people down there think we are lovers. So saying we wouldn't want to stay together and that too after getting married is straight up stupid ". Aaron face palmed. His life and mind were such a mess. Cecil went to sit on the chair. 

Aaron let out a sigh and went to sit on the bed. " I don't think you will able to commute to work from my house. It is far from yours. I am talking about the one you live alone in ". " How do you know about that ? " " I looked into it ". Aaron said in a duh tone. Cecil nodded. " Then what do we do ? " Aaron gave it a thought. 

" Maybe find a house closer to both of ours ? " Cecil frowned. " That is even more work. No way. I will just move into your house. Like I already said, I can just work from home itself if I really don't want to go to the office. There is no need for me to be there all the time anyway ". " Is that really fine ? " Cecil nodded. " Even now, I don't really go those many times ". 

Aaron nodded and sighed. He fell back on the bed. Everything was being done and moving forward way too quickly. It was weirdly making him dizzy. Aaron couldn't help think about how did he even end up in this situation. He rubbed his temples not able to take all of it in. Cecil noticed the change in Aaron's expression. The mood took quite a detour.

" You look like you want to call off this wedding ". Cecil said looking away. Aaron didn't understand the tone. Even Cecil himself didn't know what it was he felt. They were already troubled but things just seem to keep getting added on top of it. Aaron sat up looking at Cecil. " I am not going to. I am not someone who goes back on their word ". 

Cecil turned to Aaron. He could see how serious Aaron was with those words. He nodded and turned away. He rubbed between his brows to get rid of the frown. Aaron also nodded to himself. He would not go back on his word. When Cecil said that, he thought about why he was doing all of it and decided to endure it. 

There is no way he can let it all go. It was a lot more than just the business or money after all. He came out of his thoughts when Cecil spoke up. " Also, did you speak to the minister ? " Aaron shook his head. " I will ". Cecil nodded. Aaron thought it would grow more awkward if they stay in the room in silence.

" Do you still want to go around the house ? " Aaron asked and Cecil thought about it. He shook his head. " Let's go to the garden ". Cecil would definitely be happy to get some fresh air. Aaron nodded. They went back down and Aaron took him to the very much large garden behind the house. It was definitely very well maintained.

They were different kind of trees, plants and everything. They just went around silently. The tension eased as they walked side by side. After a while, they went back to the living room. The elders were happily laughing and talking. They only had place to sit beside each other. They sat down and they didn't talk anymore. 

They just watched the elders having a nice time. They would answer or smile whenever they said something. There was no chance of spacing out though. As it came to evening, Cecil's family decided to leave. Aaron's family asked them to stay but they politely rejected and went back home. The sky turned dark by the time they were home. 

Cecil just sat on the couch silently. His mother called him to come have food. He had dinner and went back to his room. He took a bath and fell on the bed. He looked at the ceiling mindlessly. His mind felt empty and heart heavy. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He frowned and turned on his side. He let out a puff in frustration. 

He tossed around sleeping in different positions on the bed. He couldn't take it anymore. He sat up not able to put up with it. He put the pillow in front of him and gave a it a few punches. His breathing turned raged. He still didn't feel better. He got out of bed and went to the small freezer he had in his room and took out some cans of beer. 

He sat down on the bed and started drinking it. He took big gulps and chugged down most of it. His breathing was unstable. He wiped his lips with the sleeve. Cecil raised the can again. He gulped down the remaining of it and crumpled the can. He turned to the side and threw it in the bin a little away from the bed. It fell right in. He felt a bit better.

He picked up another one and this time drank slowly. The liquid going down his throat was cold. He sighed and leaned back on the headrest. His mind also cooled down considerably. He slowly sipped and by the time he realized, he finished all the cans he took out. He just pulled the sheets to cover his body and closed his eyes falling asleep easily. 


Author notice :

It is like they take a step backward for every step they take forward. 🥺 Things don't fall into place that easily all the time right ? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Annddd... this is it for now. I will try my best to be consistent, so please wait for me. 😂 I will see you guys in the next chapters. 🕳🤸🏻‍♀️

Author : All the best for the wedding preparations.

Aaron : I don't have anything to do.

Author : I wasn't telling you. ( turns to Cecil with a smile )

Cecil : Thanks. ( cute smile )

BR : 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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