Extra : University arc.

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A/N : So the thing is my sister asked for this. She asked me if I will write an extra with them in university. And I ended up coming with these few chapters. 😂 She thought I would write while keeping their age difference but that felt impossible. So please ignore that one thing. But she liked them so I guess that is enough.

Third person point of view

Cecil walked into the auditorium for the orientation along with Ben. They both sat down in the chairs and waited. Students started coming more and soon the program started. The faculty spoke for a while which not many had interest in. Cecil was looking down at his phone when Ben nudged him to look up. 

Cecil did and his eyes went wide. There was a handsome guy standing at the podium in a suit. He started speaking and the whole hall paid attention to it. " Who is he ? " Cecil asked and Ben shrugged. " We can find out later ". Cecil nodded. He finished the speech and got down. The cheers and claps were the loudest. 

Everything was over and the students dispersed. Ben was able to find the information. " So his name is Aaron Knight and he is the heir of the Knight enterprises ". Ben's voice gradually grew louder. Cecil shushed him. Ben showed it and Cecil's eyes went wide. Now that Cecil thought about it, his father did mention it once. 

He told him that he was a very capable guy in business. Cecil was not interested in that though. He was quite handsome than he expected him to be. He did expect a bit of a nerd-ish look but he wasn't anything like that. He was quite the opposite. Cecil wondered if he would ever get a chance to even talk to him. 

Considering that fact that they were not even in the same departments, the chances were very low. He sighed. He went back home and his college life was going on pretty fine. He would also be in update with the information regarding Aaron because of Ben. He went back home and his father called him to sit down. 

" There is going to be a party in the Knight's mansion. I want to take you both along with me. Do you have time ? " Cecil's eyes went wide. Who would've expected such an opportunity ? " Yes ". He nodded enthusiastically. " Alright. I will tell you the time later ". Cecil nodded and went back to his room. He jumped in joy. 

" Woah. Is this fate ? " He chuckled and went to take a bath. And it turned out it was Aaron's birthday party. He was even happier to actually attend it. His father picked suits for the both of them and their family went to the party. Cecil was nervous about it. He took a deep breath. They walked in and went up to Aaron's grandfather. 

They greeted him and then Aaron's parents. Cecil's eyes wandered around trying to find Aaron. He didn't see him anywhere since they entered. He looked at Aaron's parents and smiled when his father introduced him. Aaron walked up to them and Cecil's eyes went wide. Aaron greeted Cecil's family. His eyes then fell on Cecil. 

Cecil smiled and extended his hand. " Happy birthday ". Aaron took it with a smile and shook it. " Thank you ". Cecil blushed and took his hand back. Aaron raised an eyebrow. He thought it was a rather interesting reaction. He then went to greet other people. Cecil picked up a wine glass which he is definitely not going to drink. 

His parents were talking to people they knew. His brother was also with someone. He felt a little lonely. He looked around and saw Aaron speaking to some people who were around his age probably. Cecil continued to observe them. He wondered if he should go greet him. They all laughed about something but Aaron didn't. 

He just took a sip of his drink. Cecil smiled and walked up to them knowing he has a chance. " Senior ". He called out and all of them turned to him. Aaron found the voice to be rather pleasant to the ears. He looked back at the person and saw Cecil standing there. He smiled immediately when he saw Cecil smiling at him. 

" Please excuse me ". Aaron said to the crowd and came up to Cecil. They walked away from them and Aaron let out a sigh. " Thanks for saving me ". Cecil shook his head. " No mention ". Aaron smiled. " How did you know I was not liking it ? " " Your smile and eyes ? It showed ". Aaron was rather impressed. 

He didn't really show much but Cecil still saw it. He smiled. " Cecil right ? " Cecil nodded. " You called me senior just now. Are you in the same faculty ? " Cecil shook his head. " Same university but different faculty ". Aaron nodded. " Which ? " " Fashion design ". Aaron was surprised. " You won't study business ? " 

Cecil shook his head. " My brother is doing that. And my father doesn't need two successors ". Aaron chuckled. Cecil also smiled. " You won't drink ? " Aaron asked when he noticed Cecil didn't take a single sip. Cecil shook his head. " Not that interested ". Aaron nodded. They just chatted for a while and someone called for Aaron. 

" I guess I will see you around ". " How ? " The question threw Aaron off. " We are from different faculties. So how ? " Aaron stared back at the bright eyes looking back at him. He took out his phone, unlocked it and gave it to Cecil. " Number ". Cecil was surprised. He quickly typed it in. Aaron called Cecil's phone. 

Cecil took it out of his pocket. " Make sure to save it ". Cecil nodded. " I will really see you around ". Aaron said with a smirk. Cecil was the dumbfounded one now. He then gave a big grin and nodded. Aaron also smiled. He did act a bit too forward but the smile was worth it. He walked away from there. 

Cecil clutched his phone with happiness. His father called for him and he quickly went to him. They all gathered and the cake was cut. Cecil had dinner with his family and some other people together. He didn't get another chance to talk to Aaron. He only met eyes with him once in a while during the dinner. 

They were done and went back home. He fell on his bed and stared at the screen. Aaron's contact was right in front of his eyes. He did wish he got to talk a little more with Aaron. But he wasn't all that sad considering they had each other's numbers. He consoled himself and put it away. He took a shower and fell asleep.


Author notice :

That was quite fast paced right ? I know. 😂 But it is only extras so I wrote it with as much less content as I could. I was worried I might end up getting deep into it too. 😂 I hope it is still enjoyable though. 🤗

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