Chapter 33 : Hubby~

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Third person point of view

Cecil looked at the message Ben sent him. They were going to meet up that night for dinner. He was currently in the office. The hotel was nearer to his office than his home so he decided to go there directly after work. He called Aaron to tell him about it. Aaron smiled when he noticed the call. His assistant stopped speaking. 

He couldn't help wonder what was there to smile about. Aaron picked up and greeted. " Hello ". " Hey ". Cecil could feel Aaron's tone was like he was smiling. " What is it ? " " Remember Ben ? We met at the exhibition ". " Yeah ". " That day he said they want to go for dinner right ? It is today. I just found out about it ". 

" Okay... so you will come back after that ? " " Yeah. And I probably will be a little late. I didn't attend it the last time. They won't let me go that easily ". Cecil chuckled. Aaron let out a breath. " Alright ". " Yeah. I wanted to inform you ". Aaron gave a hum. " I also have a small favor to ask ". Cecil said and Aaron's face brightened up. 

" What is it ? " " I won't drive since I most likely will be drinking. Can you ask someone to help take my car home ? " Aaron's eyes brightened again. " Sure ". " Thanks ". " No mention ". " I will hang up then. Bye ". Cecil pulled the phone away but Aaron spoke up. " Wait ". Cecil put the phone to his ear again. " Send me your location. Just in case ". 

" Okay ". Cecil smiled and hung up. He sent the location to Aaron. Aaron looked at it. His assistant was watching him a little cautiously. Aaron thought about it and since his assistant already met Cecil, he can ask him to get the job done. He looked up and smiled at his assistant. His assistant pushed his glasses up wondering what that smile was for. 

He understood when he walked into the building. He went to Cecil and Cecil recognized him. " Thanks for the help and sorry for the trouble ". " No sir. It is my duty ". He gave a smile and walked out. He chuckled dryly. He was even running errands now. He wept in his heart. Cecil stayed in his office and worked till it was time for him to leave for dinner. 

He took a taxi and went to the hotel. He was 10 minutes late because of the traffic. " I thought you bailed on us again ". Ben said when Cecil walked up to them. " No way ". He laughed and sat down. They all talked and had dinner happily. They then went up to the bar in the same building. They had drinks and had a nice chat as it has been a while since all of them met up. 

" I also want a husband~~ " Ben whined and all of them laughed and teased him. Cecil told about it and they also complained saying he was a bad guy for not inviting them. Cecil laughed saying he would find time to get them to meet. They were finally done with it and wanted to leave. They called for the bill. 

The waiter walked up to them. " The bill is already paid sir ". The waiter said and they were surprised. " Who did ? " " The gentleman over there ". The waiter showed a table which was a little diagonal to them. They all turned to that side and were shocked. Cecil was the one who was shocked the most. 

He saw Aaron sitting there with his legs crossed and a glass of whiskey in his hand. He seemed to have noticed their gaze on him. He looked up and smiled. Cecil didn't expect it at all. The others were talking amongst themselves wondering who it was. They were a little drunk to see clearly and the lighting wasn't helping. Aaron put the glass away and went to them. 

Cecil was staring at him intensely. He stood up when Aaron neared and Aaron smiled. " Do you know him ? " One of his friends asked and Cecil nodded. Ben came back from the washroom and saw a man besides their gang. He squinted and caught up on the situation. " Aaron ? " He asked and Aaron smiled at him. 

" Hello. Nice to see you again ". Ben covered his mouth in shock. He didn't know that it was the Aaron Knight. They all also realized slowly that it was that Aaron they only saw in news. They gasped and were shook. Aaron didn't mind them and turned to Cecil. " Let's go home ? " They were once again shook by the statement. 

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