Chapter 43 : I just wanna give in~

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Disclaimer : Once again, this chapter is 18+. So skip if you are uncomfortable. I said what I have to. You can do what you want to. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

Third person point of view

Aaron planned their honeymoon just like Cecil asked. They went to the hotel and Cecil absolutely loved it. They were currently on the 130th floor. There were glass windows which would give a view of the city in wide stretch. " Wow ". Cecil said taking in the view. " This would be even better at night right ? " Aaron nodded. 

He thought it was totally worth seeing Cecil's shining eyes. They spent the day outside. They went to a few tourist places and went back to the hotel after dinner. Aaron finished his shower first. Cecil went it next and was done too. He walked out in a bathrobe while drying his hair. He saw Aaron standing near the window. 

He smiled and put the towel away. He went and hugged Aaron from behind. Aaron smiled and pulled him to the front. He put Cecil to the window. Cecil let out a soft gasp. " You didn't dry your hair completely ". " It will dry on its own ". Cecil said pulling at Aaron's shirt. Aaron moved forward putting his hand on the window.

Cecil looked at Aaron's lips and gulped. Aaron smirked and raised his other hand to hold Cecil's chin. He rubbed at Cecil's lower lip making him part his lips. Cecil looked up to meet Aaron's eyes. Aaron felt his heart leap at how beautiful Cecil looked. He leaned down kissing Cecil. Cecil put his hands around Aaron's neck and kissed back. 

He felt his heart thump hard in his chest. Aaron pulled Cecil closer pressing their bodies together. " Mmh~ " Cecil felt himself getting short on breath. Aaron pulled away and saw the intoxicated look on Cecil's face. Aaron put Cecil to the window and put his leg in between his, parting them.

He peppered kisses along his face making Cecil squirm. His hands reached down and he untied the robe. His hands reached inside and Cecil jolted when Aaron's hand came into contact with his stomach. He let out a gasp. He traced his hands along the sides of his waist. " Mmh~ " Cecil felt his stomach erupt in butterflies.

Aaron kissed his ear and sucked at it while his hands reached backwards to squeeze Cecil's ass. Cecil let out a gasp. " Hah~ " His heels raised and he held onto Aaron. Aaron pulled at the bathrobe letting it drop to the ground. Cecil pulled away in shock. Aaron kissed him before he could say anything.

They pulled away and Cecil was panting. " No one can see us from here ". Aaron said playing with Cecil's ass. Cecil squirmed. The glass was one sided. No one could see anything from outside. He glanced down and Aaron was not wrong. There was also no other building around in that height. And the lights were all turned off. 

Even if someone tried they will know nothing about what was happening inside. But Cecil still found it embarrassing to do it there. He didn't have the chance to speak when Aaron started kissing his neck again. " Ngh~ " Cecil's back was stuck to the cold glass. He felt goose bumps all over. 

Aaron sucked and bit leaving bite marks all over his neck and collar bones. Cecil kept mewling and squirming. Aaron moved away shocking Cecil. He wondered what Aaron was doing but he came back with the lube. He kissed Cecil again. Cecil put his hands in Aaron's hair and ran his hands through it.

Aaron put some lube on his fingers and reached for Cecil's hole. He rubbed at it and Cecil let out a gasp. Aaron entered his tongue playing with Cecil's. He slowly entered a finger and felt Cecil tremble. He moved it in and out and entered another finger. Cecil pulled away from the kiss due to the lack of oxygen.

Aaron spread his fingers making Cecil throw his head back. He continued to loosen him up by thrusting his fingers. Cecil held onto Aaron feeling his body heat up more and more. Aaron pulled his fingers out. Cecil gulped and looked up at Aaron. Aaron gave him a kiss and turned him around. 

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