Chapter 16 : Cohabitation begins.

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Third person point of view

The next day Cecil woke up and packed the things in his bathroom as well after showering. He put the used clothes in a small box to take it with himself. He then called for a truck to move his things. He gave the address and took his car with a few important things. He went to the gate and talked with the security. 

He went to the truck. " You can take it to the 18th floor and to 1804. I will also come up ". The movers nodded and drove in to move the boxes. Cecil went to the parking lot and took his things out of the car. He locked the car and picked up the boxes. He went to the elevator and put them down. He pressed the button and the elevator came down. 

The doors opened and he entered with the boxes. He put them down again and pressed the button for the floor. He waited to reach the floor and it felt like it was taking longer than necessary. He tapped his foot looking at the numbers. It reached the 17th floor and Cecil picked up the boxes. He walked out when the doors opened. 

He went to the house and put his boxes down. He entered the password and pushed the door open. He took the boxes in and kicked the door close. He was surprised at the size. It was rather spacious. It had a big living room which was extended with more seating area looking out to the city and there were big floor to ceiling windows with the city view. 

There was also an open kitchen with an island and a table on the side. That was all that came into his view as soon as he entered. He walked forward and saw two doors at the other side. Cecil put the boxes down and went up the stairs. He understood why it took so long to reach the 18th floor. Each floor was equal to two of them. 

He saw two doors on that floor. He opened one and it looked like the main bedroom. It also looked occupied. So he understood it was the one Aaron was using. He went to the other one and it was also a bedroom. He took out his phone and called Aaron. Aaron was looking at a document. He heard the call and picked up. 

" Hello ". " Which room should I take ? " Aaron checked the caller after hearing the voice and put it back to his ear. " There is one in the floor below and one above. Use whichever you want ". " Alright ". " You brought your things ? " " Yeah. Just arrived ". " Okay ". Aaron hung up and went back to work. Cecil went down and checked the other room. 

He preferred the one in the floor above. He picked up his things to go up when the bell rang. Cecil opened the door and they walked in with the boxes. " I will show the room ". He took them to the room in the floor above. They soon moved in all the boxes and Cecil had them put them in the places he wanted.

The room was more spacious than the one in his house and he would be able to work freely. " Should we help unpacking too ? " " No thank you ". Cecil said and paid the amount. Once they left, he closed the door and went to his room to get to work. He started by setting up the things he wanted for work and the desk. He sat on the chair with a sigh once he was done. 

He was hungry and it was also lunch time. He picked up his phone and ordered food for himself. He continued with the work in the meantime. The door bell rang and he quickly went down. He took the food and went to sit at the island. He had it and cleaned up after. He then went back to his room and unpacked other things. He ordered food once again for dinner. 

And also took a shower in the mean time. He finished eating and sat down to look out at the city. He picked up his phone and called his parents informing that he moved in and that everything was settled. He was unsure at first but then called Grandfather and informed him too. He also spoke a little with Aaron's parents. He hung up and put the phone aside. 

Aaron opened the door and walked in without thinking much. Cecil heard the door open and close. He turned around when the footsteps neared and saw Aaron walk in. " Hello there ". Aaron jumped at the sudden greeting. He put a hand to his chest. He forgot about Cecil moving in after a long day. " Did you want to give me a heart attack ? " 

Cecil chuckled. He looked down and pointed at Aaron's shoes. Aaron also looked down. " You want me to take them off ? " Cecil nodded. Aaron walked back to the entrance. Now that he paid attention, there was an extra shoe rack. He put his shoes away and walked in bare foot. Cecil noticed it. " Do you go around bare foot ? " Aaron nodded. 

" You mind that too ? " Cecil shook his head. Aaron went to sit on the chair opposite Cecil. " So, what conditions do you have for this cohabiting program ? " Cecil rolled his eyes. " Well, except the shoes, I don't personally have anything else ". Aaron nodded. " How about you ? " " I am not particular about anything either ". 

Aaron said and Cecil nodded. " Do you want to set any rules ? " Aaron asked and Cecil frowned, thinking about it. " Well... we will only be living our lives. So I don't see a necessity ". Aaron nodded. " What about the rings ? " Aaron asked and Cecil looked down at his hand. He didn't take it off yet and Aaron also didn't. 

" I will probably hang it around my neck on a chain. I would feel anxious to leave it even if it is at home. And it could always come of use if I have it with me ". Aaron nodded. " What about you ? " Aaron touched it. " I will leave it be I guess. It doesn't matter to me ". Cecil nodded. " Did you have dinner ? " Aaron nodded. 

" You come back at this time ? " Aaron shook his head. " I had more work today. If not I would be done around 6 or something like that. What about you ? " " Around 5. But it is mostly uncertain. I come early sometimes and also late other times ". Aaron nodded. " There is another thing too. Can you cook ? " Aaron shook his head. 

" So there aren't many things for cooking ? " Cecil asked. Aaron glanced at the kitchen. " There might be a few vegetables and probably pasta ? Some beer too ". Cecil nodded. " You can cook ? " Aaron asked surprised. " Yeah. I guess I will check what are there and then buy the things I want ". Aaron nodded. " You don't mind right ? " 

" Do as you please ". Cecil smiled. " Thank you ". " It's nothing. Anything else ? " Cecil shook his head. " I will ask if something comes to my mind ". Aaron stood up. " I will take a shower and be back ". Cecil nodded. He went back to looking at the city. Aaron walked out and sat there too. The both of them sat in silence. 

Cecil yawned and looked at the time. He wanted to sleep early and was also tired from all the setting up. He got up and Aaron looked at him. " You want to sleep ? " Cecil nodded. " Can I see your room ? " " Sure ". The both of them walked up and Aaron looked at the room. " Isn't it a little cramped for you ? " Cecil shook his head. 

" I am actually thankful for the space and there are two tables which is lot more useful ". There was already a desk in the room and Cecil had another motor one. So he would be able to work fine. " You can use the room below too if you want to ". " Thanks but that would mean me coming all the way till here for every time I forget something ". 

Aaron chuckled. " It really is enough ". Cecil said again and Aaron nodded. " I hope you will be able to sleep ". Cecil smiled. " You bet. I am in a state where as long as there is a place to sleep, I will sleep like a dead fish ". Aaron chuckled and walked out. Cecil fell on the bed and just like he said, he fell asleep at the speed of light. Aaron also fell asleep after a while.


Author notice :

Um hmm... nice. 😂 Officially moved in. Let's see what will happen. 👀😏

I only read those novels on that day, but didn't continue again. I thought I would read after just one day but lost interest. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ 

Author : So how are you feeling about living together ? (¬‿¬)

Aaron : Well... I hope we get along well.

Author : ..... that's it ?

Aaron : What else ?

Author : How is he this hopeless ?

BR : It is fine. ( pats author shoulder )

Author : ( sigh )

That was not really how I expect it to be. It was just for fun. I know it is not possible for something to happen right away. 😂

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