Chapter 27 : A date ?

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Third person point of view

They looked around a lot of stores. They would only glance at some and some they would go in to look. Aaron did have fun. Cecil would tell him about different things about the artists or crafts he knew of, with enthusiasm and sparkling eyes. He listened attentively and nodded showing he was listening. Aaron didn't buy anything but Cecil would buy if something caught his eye. 

But he also didn't get a lot of things. " My friend also has a stall. Let's go there ". Cecil said and they walked to that store. They walked in and it was filled with racks of different kinds of pottery. They saw a guy speaking to a few people. He looked up when they walked closer. He excused himself and came up to them. 

" Hey ! " He greeted and gave a hug to Cecil. Cecil chuckled and returned it. " It has been so long since I got to see your face ". Cecil laughed. His friend's eyes then fell on Aaron. " Who is he ? " Aaron blinked and glanced at Cecil. Their eyes met and Cecil smiled. He looked back at his friend. " This is Aaron, my husband ". 

Cecil didn't think there was a reason to hide his relationship. They've been friends for years so saying friend was definitely stupid. Even if not everything, he knew a lot about Cecil. And Cecil really didn't feel like lying for no reason. It would only mean he has to continue to lie and it will only build upon. 

His friend's eyes went wide. Aaron was also stunned at Cecil's answer. He didn't expect him to say it out loud like it was nothing. " When did you get married and you didn't even invite me ?! " Cecil laughed. " Hello. I am Ben ". Ben extended his hand and Aaron took it and shook his hand. " Nice to meet you ". Ben smiled and replied. " Nice to meet you too ".

" You are seriously the worst ". Ben said pointing at Cecil and Cecil laughed again. " I didn't invite anyone. It kind of happened in a hurry ". Ben puffed and looked away. " Don't be mad. I brought him today, didn't I ? And you are the first to meet him ". Ben snorted and let it be. " Anyway, congratulations ". " Thank you ". Ben smiled. 

" Now show me what's there for me to buy ? " Cecil asked and Ben's eyes went wide. A bulb lit up above his head. " Come with me ". He took Cecil with him looking excited. Cecil glanced at Aaron and he also followed them. Ben took them to where the cups were placed. " Take these ". He picked up two cups and gave them to Cecil. Cecil's eyes went wide. 

They were a couple set. The both of them had half a heart and when put together it would be a full heart. Aaron also saw it and was surprised. But nonetheless they looked really pretty and simple. He liked them. Cecil glanced at Aaron and their eyes met. Cecil looked down quickly. Aaron noticed Cecil's ears turned red. 

He smiled and turned to Ben. " We will take them ". Aaron answered and Cecil was surprised. He did say it but this was a twist he didn't expect. Ben chuckled and nodded. " You can look around more. I will get these packed ". He took them from Cecil and walked away. Cecil felt shy and he didn't look at Aaron. 

He slipped away on the excuse of looking around. Aaron smiled and went to look around too. Cecil was looking at some other cups. Ben came back and stood beside Cecil. Aaron was away from Cecil but was in hearing range. He could hear Ben talking in a small voice. " How can you do this ? " Ben asked like he was complaining. Cecil giggled. " Sorry ". 

Ben rolled his eyes and forgave Cecil. " Seems like everything is good though. Going on a date with your husband huh ? " Ben asked poking Cecil with his elbow. Aaron smiled when he heard it. Cecil's eyes went wide. He glanced at Aaron. Aaron noticed but acted like he didn't hear anything and continued to look at the things in front of him. Cecil looked back at Ben. 

" Nothing like that ". Ben chuckled. " Sure, sure. Says the one who looks like a tomato ". Cecil blushed harder and hit Ben lightly. Ben chuckled and let him be. Aaron couldn't help chuckle in a low voice. Cecil also got a few small plates. Aaron didn't find anything he wanted to get. Ben got them all packed and billed them with a special discount. 

Cecil told him not to but he wouldn't listen. Cecil gave up trying to persuade Ben. He was about to take out his wallet but Aaron already handed his card. Cecil looked at Aaron. Aaron winked at him and looked ahead. Cecil felt his face burn. He quickly lowered his head. His heart skipped a beat. He rubbed his neck looking away. " Here ". 

Ben gave the items which were all carefully packed and Cecil put it in his bag. Ben gave the card back to Aaron. " The guys recently contacted me saying they want to meet for dinner ". Ben said and Cecil nodded. " Sure. Let me know when you fix a date ". Ben nodded. " Bye ". Cecil said and Ben waved back at them. 

He also gave a smile to Aaron but Aaron couldn't show it so he gave a nod and they walked out. Cecil was adjusting the bag on his shoulder. Aaron quickly took it shocking Cecil. He put it on his own shoulder. " Let's go ". " It is fine ". Cecil said but Aaron shook his head and walked away. He smiled and caught up with Aaron. 

They went to a store with wood art. There were a lot of decoration items too. There were some cute figurines. Cecil smiled looking at them. He picked up one and it was a cat. It was very light in weight and had smooth finished edges so it can be used to put in shelves and also to hang on the monitor or desk. 

He took it and also got a pen stand. He saw Aaron looking around. " You don't want anything ? " He asked and Aaron shook his head. Cecil nodded. " Let's go then ". Aaron nodded. Cecil bought the ones he picked. They went around a little more and were done with all the stores that Cecil wanted to go to. They finally walked out of there. 


Author notice :

Ben knows what's up. 😂🤣 I swear they and their hearts got closer. 😭 No way it is not it. 🥺

And WINK ?! 😱 Mr. Aaron Knight, why are you playing with people's hearts like that ?!

My BR was talking about how mad they would be if I get married without telling and that Ben was too nice of a guy. 😂🤣 I told that there is no way that would happen. 😂 I also told that I will just get them kidnapped if they don't take enough leaves. 🤣

Also they were looking at the chapters and said the titles looked really pretty lined up like that. 🤩 

Author : We are cutting off communication if you say there is nothing.

Aaron : ?

Author : You know what I am talking about.

Aaron : ( thinks and then realizes ) Well..... ( an ambiguous smile )

Author : (⊙ˍ⊙)

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