Chapter 44 : Happy ever after.

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Third person point of view


Aaron's assistant walked into the building not knowing why his boss asked him to bring the files there. He went to the floor and followed the directions Aaron gave him. Aaron told him even to not knock and be careful while opening the door. He went to the door and opened it slowly. He saw his boss sitting on a couch and looking down. 

He peeked and saw a pillow with a head on it. His eyes went wide. His boss was accompanying his husband to sleep and gave up on work. Love really makes people stupid. He went to Aaron and gave him the laptop and files. Aaron nodded and signaled he would text if there is something. 

His assistant nodded and walked out of there. Aaron looked down at Cecil who was currently asleep. Cecil encountered a problem and he barely slept for the past week. Aaron decided it couldn't go on any longer. So as to not let Cecil ruin his health any further he went to find him and forced him to sleep. 

So Cecil was finally having some nice rest. The room was made as dark as possible. Aaron put the laptop on the arm rest with reduced brightness and started working. He felt Cecil move after a while. Cecil tossed around still feeling sleepy. He sat up and put the pillow away. He moved back to sit on Aaron's lap. 

He leaned against his shoulder and hugged his arm. Aaron put his hand around Cecil's waist. He rubbed his cheek on Cecil's head. " Which factory is it ? " Aaron asked. " I can handle it myself. I already have the evidence on his misdoings. He will not be able to recover easily ". Aaron smiled and rubbed Cecil's head. 

He would just pay for the news to spread more and quickly when it goes out. There is no way he would let that guy be when he made Cecil suffer this much. He also has his ways to deal with him. Cecil sighed happily. He looked at Aaron's face with narrowed eyes. Aaron kissed on his eyes. " Sleep more ". 

Cecil nodded and got up. " I will sleep in the room. You can work comfortably. Use my system if necessary ". " Alright ". Cecil went to the room beside, which had a single bed. Aaron smiled and continued with his work. He was done with it and looked up. It was time for lunch. He ordered food from a restaurant nearby. 

He woke up Cecil and sent him to freshen up. Cecil did and when he went back he saw Aaron opening the box. Cecil went to sit with him and they started having the food. Cecil turned to Aaron. " Why did you invest in my brand ? " " Didn't you say that you did come to our company too ? " Cecil nodded.

Aaron continued speaking. " Back then, I actually heard from one of the directors about wanting to invest in your brand. But I was busy with something else and couldn't reach out immediately. And by the time I got to it, you already had investors. So now that you are done with the contract, I got you to sign with me ". 

Cecil nodded. " Too bad. I would've met you a lot earlier if I signed with you back then ". Aaron chuckled. " Well... we still met right ? " " Right ". Cecil smiled. Aaron also smiled. Cecil nodded to himself. It really didn't matter. They are now married and together. He saw Aaron eating the food and felt content.

Cecil watched as Aaron continued to work at the table. Aaron was working a lot in the past few days and Cecil barely got any attention. He was set on making it happen now. He went to the wardrobe and picked up one of Aaron's black shirts. He then took some underwear. He went to the bathroom to take a shower. 

Lexy gave him a new body wash saying it smelled really good. So he tried that and the fragrance was indeed nice. He was done and put on the shirt and underwear. He did know what sexy underwear were like and owned a few too. He got them not too long ago. And Aaron didn't know of their existence yet.

Cecil decided to use one as he was trying to get Aaron off the seat and come to him. He dried his hair and ruffled it up a little. He then walked out of the bathroom. Aaron's eyes never wandered off the screen. Cecil was half happy and half sad. If Aaron looked at him directly he would feel shy. Now he confidently walked up to Aaron and pulled the chair back a little. 

He settled down on Aaron's lap. He leaned back onto Aaron without blocking his view. Aaron didn't distract himself but his hand reached to hold Cecil. He smelled the fragrance wafting by his nose. He leaned down a little and sniffed. Cecil noticed but didn't say anything. Aaron closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

" Did you change your body wash ? " " Yeah. Is it nice ? " " Yeah. Very nice ". Cecil smiled. Aaron went back to working. His hand reached to rest on Cecil's thigh. His eyebrows shot up as soon as he put his hand there. He looked down and noticed Cecil's attire. His hand reached upwards and Cecil bit his lip without saying anything. 

Aaron looked up at the screen and continued to read the document. Cecil frowned. He did feel Aaron's hand caressing his thighs but he was not really concentrating on him. He ground his hips and settled down on Aaron's lap properly. Aaron's hand which was scrolling, stopped. Cecil noticed and smiled internally. 

" What happened ? " Cecil shook his head and did it again. " I feel like I am not comfortable ". Aaron clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. He let out a breath and opened them. Cecil smiled happy with the result but quickly covered it up. The hand on his thigh gripped tighter. " What are you doing ? " Aaron asked right beside his ear. 

" What did I do ? " Cecil asked back innocently. Aaron's hand reached higher into his shirt. Even after his hand reached further up, he couldn't feel any cloth. He pulled the shirt up behind and noticed the kind of underwear Cecil was wearing. He was pleasantly surprised. He reached to pull at the the waistband.

Cecil let out a muffled moan. Aaron smirked and moved closer. " You don't know ? " Aaron asked kissing his ear. Cecil flinched. " I am not sure ". Aaron kissed on his neck while his hands reached to hold Cecil's hips grinding against him. Cecil arched his back letting out a moan. " Ngh~ " He leaned back kissing Aaron on the lips.

Aaron picked up Cecil taking him to bed. Cecil was kissed till his lips felt numb. Aaron pulled away and his breathing was raged. " Are you seducing me on purpose ? " " Then who asked you to keep working so much ? You weren't giving me any attention ". Cecil pouted complaining about it. Aaron chuckled. 

" Should've just told me then ". Cecil pouted harder with a frown on his face. " How can I tell you to put your work aside ? I wouldn't do such a thing but I really reached my limit today. You spoiled me ! " Aaron laughed. He kissed Cecil's cheek. " You are so freaking adorable kitten ". Cecil blushed harder. 

" Now you have all my attention. What do you want to do ? " " Don't you know ? " Cecil asked putting his legs around Aaron's waist. Aaron kissed Cecil once again. The next day, Cecil could only blame himself in his heart. A side of him was definitely pretty satisfied and he slept happily for the rest of the day.

The end. 


Author notice :

I can't believe it ended. 😂 Feels weird. But it did. It really did. The extra chapters are there, but still. They surely have their happy ever after. 🥺😭🤧

Author : I hope you will stay happy together forever.

Aaron : Thank you so much. 

Cecil : Thanks a lot.

Author : ( takes out hand kerchief )

BR : Aww don't cry-

Author : ( sneezes loudly ) Sorry about that.

BR : (⊙ˍ⊙)

Author : Why ? 

Aaron and Cecil : ( laugh )

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