Chapter 40 : Lovely life.

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Third person point of view

They changed out of the clothes and Cecil went to his room. He quickly signed a cheque with the amount he wanted to donate and took it to Aaron's room. He could now say it was 'their' room though. He went to Aaron who was sitting at the table. He put it in front of him and Aaron picked it up. His eyebrows shot up. " Quite generous I see ". Cecil chuckled. 

" I did use some but some more was just there ". He gave a shrug.  " I didn't know what to do with them this time around. So I might as well use it on something nice ". Aaron nodded. They don't actually take any donations from anyone. But since Cecil wanted to, he let him give it. " What do you want me to use it for ? " 

Cecil shook his head. " I don't know much about those things or how they work, so you can do whatever you want to. I am going to trust Mr. Knight with this ". Aaron laughed. " I am happy to know that ". Cecil chuckled and Aaron put it away. " I also had another idea ". Cecil said and Aaron turned to him. 

" The next season is going to be launched soon. So how about I give a special discount for all those there ? They can go to the nearest branch and I will make some coupon which they can use for the discount. There will also be some products from previous season. They will be available for less price anyway ". 

Aaron was surprised. Cecil did a bit of mental calculation and looked at Aaron again. " Do you know the exact number ? " Aaron shook his head. " But wouldn't it be a problem for you ? " New season would always mean offers and discounts and other business tactics. Cecil looked a bit unsure. " It might be but I can manage ". 

Aaron frowned. He extended his hand for Cecil to take. Cecil did and Aaron pulled him onto his lap. Cecil was a bit surprised but didn't say anything. " You really want to give them ? " Aaron asked and Cecil nodded. Aaron also gave a nod. He reached for the drawer and took out the wallet in it. He took out the black card and handed it to Cecil. 

Cecil knew it. He saw it when he took the access card last time. " I don't mind it, but it would be a burden on you. You can let them get all the clothes they want, but instead of discount let them take it for free and I will pay you full price. Use that card ". Cecil was shocked. " Really ? " Aaron nodded. 

" It will be okay. You should use this cheque and the card for the next season, so that you wouldn't be burdened. And I would appreciate even more if you actually use that card for yourself too ". Cecil rolled his eyes. Aaron chuckled. " I don't want to do that. You should use that cheque for something ". Cecil said and Aaron nodded. " Fine ".

Cecil looked down at the card in his hand. " I will use this card as you said. And also a little for myself too ". Cecil agreeing so easily was a shock to Aaron. " You will really use it ? " Cecil nodded. " I wanted to go shopping. It has been a while so I want to change a few things in my wardrobe. I will take you with me anyways. Maybe we can get some couple things too ". 

He looked at Aaron with narrowed eyes. " You can't be stingy nor regret it ". Aaron chuckled. " I would never. Use it as you please ". Cecil smiled. " Don't be too happy. I am only doing this once because you keep saying you want to spend money on me ". Aaron kissed Cecil's cheek. " Such a good boy ". Cecil blushed. " Shut up ". Aaron laughed. 

They went to the gym the next morning. Aaron was done with his workout and went to find Cecil. He saw Cecil punch a sandbag with a good amount of strength. " You are not thinking of me when punching, are you ? " Aaron asked with a smile. Cecil turned to him and back to the punching bag. 

" Well... half right ". Aaron was dumbfounded. " I am thinking of all those people who just want to keep trying to get to you ". Cecil gave another hard punch. Aaron gulped. " I am definitely not provoking you from now on ". Cecil gave a smirk. He stopped and went to stand in front of Aaron with his hands on his hips. 

" You better not ". Aaron nodded. " It is so unfair though. There is not even a single person around you I could get jealous of ". Cecil laughed and then gave a blank face. " You are just dissing me indirectly, aren't you ? " Cecil asked with raised eyebrow. Aaron smiled and quickly took a few steps back. 

Cecil adjusted his glove and ran after Aaron. Aaron laughed and dodged Cecil's attacks with ease. Cecil didn't even get to hit once even if lightly. " But you still have a long way to go ". Aaron said locking Cecil's wrists. Cecil snorted and walked away. Aaron shook his head with a smile and followed him.

The next few days went by with them being all lovey dovey. Cecil was sitting on the couch and looking through his phone. Aaron walked from behind and put his cold hand on Cecil's neck making him hiss. " You are such a bully ". Cecil scolded and Aaron laughed. Cecil rubbed his arms. He had goose bumps. 

Aaron went to sit beside Cecil. He frowned when he didn't find the chain on Cecil's neck. He was about to ask about it but noticed the ring on Cecil's hand. His frown vanished just as quickly. He was extremely happy. Aaron kissed Cecil's cheek shocking him. " What is it now ? " " Nothing. I just find you cute. So I gave a kiss ". Cecil chuckled. Aaron also smiled. 


Author notice :

They are such a couple. 😭🤧 I want a husband toooooo~ 😭😂 I mean I could have one if I get married. 😂👀 My BR was also saying they want to have a love life. I gave the same answer. 😂 But we are still young so I guess it isn't time yet. It's a whole different topic now. 🤣 Not going too much into it. Aaron and Cecil are just lucky. 😂

I also keep going out a lot these days which is making me feel a bit weird and tired. 😂 It will go down again so I am putting up with it.

I also read some manhwas like short ones which I can finish in a few hours and they were nice. 👍🏻 I enjoyed since it has been a while.

Anyway, they are enjoying their married life and I am enjoying my single life, so I guess that is all that matters. 😂

The titles were also a bit difficult for the second half of 30s chapters. 😂 I tried.

No mini theater again. I am feeling lazy to come up with one. 😂 And spoiler alert. 🚨 Aaron will be able to stop taking cold showers. 👀 If you know you know. 😂🤭😉😏

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