Chapter 24 : Supportive hubby.

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Third person point of view

The next day, Cecil went back home in the afternoon. He was almost done with his work, so he just wasted time. A few minutes before going to leave to the venue, he got up and took a shower. He took a black turtle neck and black suit. He dressed up in an all black look and went to the mirror. He took the chain out from his shirt and removed it. 

He put the ring on his finger. He then styled his hair carefully. He put on a watch and used some perfume. He picked up his wallet and phone. He also took the invitation and walked out of the house. He booked a taxi for going to the venue. He didn't know that part of the city well and he didn't feel like driving for long. And he would come back with Aaron anyway.

Cecil got in the taxi and relaxed. He checked the time and it was about time Aaron was done with work. He sighed and looked out the window. He wasted time listening to songs and also played some games. He arrived after a while and got down. He paid for it and looked up at the mansion in front of him. 

The gates were wide open. He took out his phone and called Aaron. Aaron picked up almost right away. " Hello ". " I reached just now ". Cecil informed. " Sorry for the delay but it will take some time for me to come there. You can go inside. Don't wait outside for me ". " Alright... come soon ". Cecil said in a small voice. Aaron chuckled and Cecil bit the inside of his cheek. 

It was not because of something like that. He didn't know anyone and he didn't want to be alone with so many strangers. " Fine. I will come as soon as I can ". " Okay ". Cecil hung up and put the phone in his pocket. He walked in and went to the door. He gave the invitation and there was a bodyguard who scanned the watermark on the backside of the card. 

He gave it back to Cecil. Cecil took it and walked inside. There were already people there. He didn't know what to do. He walked a few more steps and a waiter came to him with a tray. He smiled and picked up a wine glass. He sipped on it and went to the table which had some fruits placed on it. He put the glass and the invitation on the table and picked up a plate. 

He didn't know how to balance all three things. A man walked up to him and offered a hand. " Let me help ". Cecil smiled. He went to a table in the corner and sat down. The man put the invitation on the table and glanced at the name on it. It had Aaron's name. " Thank you ". Cecil said. The man smiled and walked away. 

Cecil drank the wine while having the fruits. He glanced around and saw the minister talking to someone. He decided to wait for Aaron and they could go to greet him together. Aaron definitely knew him better than himself. He would only feel awkward if he spoke to him. And after all that that happened, it would only be worse.

Cecil was sitting alone at a table for four. He let out a sigh. He checked the time and wondered when Aaron would come. The man from before came up to the table again and sat down on one of the chairs. Cecil didn't say anything. Two women also sat down on the other two chairs. Cecil munched on the fruit not knowing what it was about. 

He was thinking about getting up and walking away to find some other place to sit. " Where did you get the invitation from ? " One of the women asked. Cecil frowned not liking the tone. " Excuse me ? " The woman showed with her eyes. " The invitation... where is it from ? " She asked again. Cecil's frown vanished. He understood the reason behind their behavior. 

" What is it to you ? " He asked back in a cold tone. The three of them scoffed. Cecil just watched them in amusement. " How dare you ? That is not a real invitation, is it ? " The other woman asked. Cecil raised an eyebrow. These people should be really dumb. " It is real ". They probably thought he was lying. " How do you know Aaron then ? " 

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