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Third person point of view

Cecil followed Aaron to the parking lot. They took Aaron's car and drove out of there. Cecil admired Aaron's side profile as he drove. " Everyone already thinks there is something between us. If you do things like this, they will believe it even more ". Cecil said and Aaron raised an eyebrow. " Well... do you mind it ? " 

Cecil shook his head. Aaron gave a shrug. " Then I don't see a problem in it. Since it is with you, I am willing to let them think there is more to it. That would make me happy too ". Cecil blushed. " Tsk. Such a smooth talker ". Aaron laughed. Cecil glared at him playfully. " Do you flirt like this with everyone ? " 

" As long as it is someone beautiful inside out, talented, cute, has twinkling eyes and with the name that spells C-E-C-I-L, I will flirt with them ". Cecil really couldn't take it. He hit Aaron on his arm making him chuckle. His whole face was on fire. " I mean it ". Aaron added making Cecil want to just hide away. Aaron grinned happily looking at the result. 

They reached a cafe and got out of the car. They went in and sat beside each other. They ordered what they wanted and Cecil really couldn't stop blushing. " Do you really not mind the rumors ? " Cecil asked looking at Aaron. Aaron looked at Cecil who was looking cute sitting beside him and looking at him with big eyes. 

He moved forward and pecked his cheek. Cecil took some time to react. He put his hand to his cheek and stared at Aaron totally lost for words. Aaron lowered his head and laughed. Cecil slowly recovered and the blush that went down, crept up again. He covered his face and removed it after calming down a little. 

" You are so mean ". Aaron laughed at those words. He pinched Cecil's cheeks. " You are just too cute ". Cecil pouted and looked down. He smiled shyly playing with the ends of his shirt. Their orders were served and Aaron fed a spoonful of his for Cecil to taste. Cecil nodded with wide eyes. " It is yummy ". Aaron grinned and the both of them had it. 

They walked out and Aaron drove Cecil to his house. He parked on the side. " Did you enjoy the date ? " Aaron asked and Cecil nodded. " Thanks for today ". He removed his seat belt and raised his hand to open the door. He stopped and turned to Aaron. He pecked his cheek and rushed out of the car. Aaron laughed and drove away. 

The next day, during lunch Ben was observing them with narrowed eyes. Cecil noticed it and whispered about their relationship status to Ben. Ben was utterly shocked. He suddenly felt that he kind of saw it coming. He promised to not say it to anyone and congratulated them on the progress. 

The both of them went out on dates whenever possible. More like Aaron took Cecil out to different places every chance they had. Cecil wasn't the type who liked going out much but with Aaron he enjoyed it. They learnt a lot of things about each other and enjoyed spending time with each other. 

Cecil finally visited Aaron's house on the weekend. As soon as he entered, Aaron pulled him closer by his waist and kissed him. Cecil put his hands around Aaron's neck and kissed back. He was breathless when they pulled away. " Welcome home ". Cecil blushed harder at the words. Aaron then took him around the house. 

It was spacious but not many rooms. There was only living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom but the size was overall big which made each of them spacious. They sat down on the couch and Aaron was sitting facing Cecil while Cecil faced the front. He raised his hand and covered Aaron's eyes not able to handle it. " Stop it ".

Aaron chuckled. Cecil turned to look at him. Aaron could feel Cecil looking at him. " Want to make it official ? " Cecil went still at those words. Aaron waited for Cecil to respond. " Yes ". Aaron smiled wider. Cecil moved forward kissing Aaron. He removed his hand from Aaron's eyes. Aaron kissed back harder. 

Cecil felt like there was no air in his lungs when they pulled away. " I love you ". Aaron said in a breathy voice. Cecil giggled. " I love you too ". Cecil spent the day there and left in the evening in a very happy mood. He fell on his bed and stared at the ceiling. It felt too much like a dream. He looked at the photo he took of Aaron which was his wallpaper and smiled. 

People only get nosier. The both of them didn't say anything nor announce about their relationship. But it was clear from their actions that they were dating. Cecil did get mixed reactions from students around him, but he couldn't care about those things. He was happy with his life so there was no need to bother about stranger's opinions.

When the semester finally ended, Cecil went to stay overnight at Aaron's house. He was very nervous but also a little excited. Since they didn't go till the last step, he did look forward to it a little. They spent the whole day together. Cecil went to take a bath after dinner and finished it. He put on a loose t-shirt and shorts. 

He dried his hair and walked out. He saw Aaron talking on the phone. Aaron turned to Cecil when he heard the door open. Cecil met eyes with Aaron and smiled. Aaron gestured for Cecil to come to him. Cecil hopped his way to Aaron. Aaron pulled him closer. Cecil also put his hands around Aaron's waist.

 Aaron continued speaking while looking at Cecil. Cecil was also looking at him. " Yeah. I will check it later ". Aaron said and hung up. He put the phone away. He hugged Cecil properly and kissed on his neck. Cecil let out a sigh. " You smell good ". Aaron kissed more making Cecil squirm. Aaron left a hickey and pulled away. 

He leaned down and kissed him. Cecil closed his eyes and kissed back. Their lips detached and Aaron pressed their bodies together. " Is it fine ? " Cecil looked down and nodded. Aaron picked Cecil up making his eyes go wide. " You better be prepared then ". Cecil gulped looking nervous and Aaron smiled. He kissed Cecil again, walking to the bed.


Author notice :

Ohoo~~ such a nice couple. 😂 And I really like the way Cecil thinks. I am someone who thinks that way. 😂 It is a very positive and healthy mindset. Which is appreciable. 👏🏻👍🏻

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