Chapter 12 : A sweet touch.

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Third person point of view

The next days of Cecil's went by with him stitching them together and he was careful with all the details. He looked at the finished products and felt pretty satisfied. There were no one else left in his office and the sky has long turned dark. He was the only one there. It has been like this for the past few days. He had to work over time to get things done. 

He was a tad bit strict with himself in work, so he started as soon as possible and finished at the best of his ability. He went to the room on the side of his office, which was his rest room. It had a few things for times when he has to stay over night, just in case. He changed into the suit and looked at himself in the full body mirror. 

He checked everything and it was fine. He nodded to himself and changed out of it. He packed the both of them and took them home. He put them aside carefully and went to take a shower. Once he was done, he immediately went to bed. He was tired from all the work. He was finally able to rest properly. 

The next day, Cecil woke up late as he decided to rest and not go out that day. He finished his things and made himself some food. He had it and put the dishes away. He sat down on the couch with a huff and picked up his phone to call Aaron. He did wonder if it is going to be awkward. They were not friends to begin with. 

Nor the start of their acquaintance is a pleasant one. And the event at Aaron's house also wasn't that particularly nice. Not like they fought, but it was iffy. His finger paused right before tapping the call button. They also didn't talk or chat after that incident. Cecil bit his lip. " Well... it will remain like this if no one takes the first step ".

He let out a breath and decided to call. He didn't like the kind of stuffy atmosphere and didn't mind taking the first step. He has always been that way so he would try and see what was to come and act based on that. They were going to see each other more after all since they will be getting married. Not like they can avoid each other forever. 

He tapped on the call button and waited. He thought that if Aaron doesn't pick up, then it was not his mistake. He can at least say he tried. And he wouldn't call another time. He was thick faced but he didn't want it to get too awkward. And now he is actually calling because of important business.

Aaron was in his office when he got the call. He looked at the lit up screen and it showed Cecil's name. He raised an eyebrow and picked it up. " Hello ". Cecil didn't expect him to pick up, let alone at two rings. " Do you have time today ? " He asked and heard a hum. Aaron thought about his schedule. " Around what time ? "

" When will you be done ? " " Around 6 ". " Mind dropping by my house once ? I want you to try the suit on and if there are any changes required, I will make them ". " Sure ". " Alright. I don't think I need to send the location ". Aaron chuckled. " See you ". Cecil smiled and hung up. Well looks like he just thought too much about it.

Aaron finished his work and drove himself to Cecil's house. He rang the bell and waited. Cecil opened the door and moved away. Aaron walked in and closed the door. " Shoes off ". Aaron did as he was told. Cecil gave him a pair of slippers. Aaron put them on and both of them walked into the house. 

He looked around the house. It was rather small. But it was nice and cozy. It was definitely perfect for one person. " Nice house ". Cecil gave Aaron a look thinking he was teasing him. Aaron chuckled. " I mean it ". Cecil shook his head. Aaron finally noticed Cecil's face properly and his eyebrows shot up. 

Cecil's nose and cheeks were pink and even his eyes looked red. He also had tissue in hand. His eyes went wide in realization. " Did you cry ? " Aaron asked perplexed and Cecil looked up with wide eyes. He shook his head. " No, no. It is not like that. I was just watching some movie and it was tragic. It had a sad ending ".

Aaron took a second to process it and then laughed. He didn't expect that from Cecil. Cecil scratched his head in embarrassment. " Enough now ". He said and Aaron pursed his lips without laughing. He was still smiling. Cecil let out a puff and led him to the bedroom. The suit was already neatly placed on the bed. 

" Try it on and if you find something wrong while doing, let me know ". Aaron nodded. Cecil walked out and sat on the couch waiting for Aaron. He heard the door open after a few minutes and turned around. Aaron was standing there in the suit. Cecil got up and went to him. " How is the fit ? " " Nice ". Cecil nodded. 

He adjusted the suit a little. He took two steps back and looked at it carefully. " You don't feel uncomfortable anywhere right ? " Aaron looked down at his suit. He then looked up at Cecil and shook his head. Cecil nodded. " How do you like it ? " This was what mattered more to Cecil. " It is nice. I like it. I am thankful it isn't overly beautified ". 

Cecil smiled. Aaron walked back in and changed out of it. Cecil helped pack it. Aaron took it and turned to Cecil. " What about yours ? " " Done. It is similar to yours ". Aaron nodded. He noticed Cecil sniffling a little and used a tissue to wipe his nose. Now while standing closer, even his eyes looked a little swollen. 

Aaron couldn't help think he looked a little pitiful and very little cute. Considering how Cecil was also younger than him, but acted- no, actually stands strong when he has to but cried over a sad movie, made him smile. He raised his hands and cupped Cecil's face. His thumb rubbed over Cecil's eyes, light like feather. Cecil was surprised at the gesture. 

He just stayed still with his eyes closed. " Don't cry so much. See how you are now ". Aaron said in a soft voice and pulled his hands away. Cecil opened his eyes but didn't look up. " It is not my mistake that the movie was sad ". He mumbled playing with the tissue in his hand. Aaron chuckled. " Right. I will get going ". Cecil nodded.

Aaron left and Cecil plopped on the couch. He checked his face in his phone and his eyes were indeed swollen. He felt embarrassed as Aaron always saw him in these kind of situations. He remembered Aaron's words and smiled. He cleared his throat realizing how he was acting. He picked up the remote, wasted some time on television and then went to sleep.


Author notice :

Awwwwww that was so cute. 🥺🥺🥺 And I said that some things are not like Cecil. I don't cry over movies or shows. 😂 This is one of the things which is not similar.

My BR was like Cecil is already so demanding. 😂🤣

And what is Aaron doing ? Sire ? 😳 Even my BR was like ' eXcUsE mE ?! ' 😂🤣

Author : (¬_¬ )

Aaron : ( confused ) what ?

Author : ( still side eyeing ) So. cute ?

Aaron : ( nodded not sure ) Yeah (?)

BR : ( sniffs ) I smell something.

Author : Me too. Even though I have a cold. 

Aaron : ( weirded out ) I will see you guys again. ( leaves )

My BR said the cold joke was good. I do have a cold right now. 😂

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