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Lucy is again in her room. She is thinking of everything of what sting said.. Lucy decided to sneak out and find what he meant. She open the door and no one was there and closed it behind her.

She walk down to the ground floor through left cause natsu informed her that it must be at the ground floor. When she reach there. She can see nothing. She walk forward to see a Door but it has a password to enter. She stay hidden there.

A man come there and enter the password which Lucy identified and mesmerized then after the man left lucy type the same password and successfully she entered inside.

When she gets in she is surprised to see a large factory there. It's a manufacturing unit with large bioreactors and people working there some wearing lab coats. They are probably scientist or researchers there.

When Lucy went to other end of the room. She was shocked to see the Dragneel brand products coming out of it. The machines. She doesn't have to taste it cause she know what it has inside. It's faulty products that they are making to frame Dragneel enterprises.

She took 3 to 4 products of every type and hurry to get out of there. she followed the path of how she gets in.

She was about to exit when the buzzer start to beep its red light that is blinking everywhere.

Some guards come out and surround her. They cage her. She knows now she can't escape.

Lucy is standing in front of sting.

They are in stings bedroom. The door is closed their are only Lucy and sting in there.

Sting is sitting on the single master sofa and Lucy is standing front of him. He is waving the fake products that Lucy captured in front of her.

Lucy don't know what to say or to do. She got caught. Sting know what she is trying to do. She was gonna take that out and show it to the world.

"So you found out huhh princess "

Sting said with a smug smile. He stoop up and and get closer to her. He put his hands on her chin and raise her head up. Lucy is looking at him.

"Its your trick. You are trying to frame Natsu "

Lucy said in angry voice. Pushing away his hands from her chin.

"Do you even know who are you protecting?"

Sting asked her seriously. They are standing close to each other. Lucy has to look up due to his height.

"I know him well. I love him. Stop framing him. What will you get doing this?"

"What will you get on covering him Lucy?"

They both looking at eachother intensely. Lucy has a serious expressions on her face. She is confused still can't able to understand what is he pointing at. He knows about their relationship. What does he mean?

"What do you mean ?"

She asked straightly.

"Okay then .... "

Sting move toward the TV. He connected his mobile device to it. The video of YouTube starts to play.

It looks like a wedding. It's a church decorated with white flowers. Many peoples gathered there. On the main stage there is standing a priest.

What shocked Lucy more is the groom is none other than

Natsu !!!!!

It's Natsu who is standing there. His best man Grey beside him. There are also Erza, Juvia present there.

None of them look too happy but what make Lucy more shock is a priest calling for bride and there comes a girl in bridal gown. Her face is covered by the net. She can't see her face clearly. She is walking on asely with a short white haired girl.

When both reach at the stage priest tell them to repeat vows after him. And both of them did. And there a moment to seal their marriage.

Natsu didn't move from his sport but the bride did. She stepped forward and kiss him. After that there are few wedding photos and the clip ended.

Lucy didn't utter any word. She is standing still at her spot not even making any movement. There's a liquid drop in her eyes which is urging to fall down. Her hand are shaking and legs want to give up and collapse there.

The person who loved her so much. She never even dreamed of something like that. Never thought this man that she gave her heart, her soul, her everything is cheating on her. He has a wife. A legal relationship with a woman which is not her. Whom she imagined her future with. How their wedding will happen. Everything broke. Her dreams fall in front of her eyes like pisces. Who will support her. Who will tell her to be calm ? Who will hold her together? Who will be there when she want to share her happiness her pain?

Many questions are raising through her mind. Why he lied? Why he didn't told her ? He didn't even though about her feelings.. all this questions. Who will give the answer ?

"Are you protecting this man lucy ?"

Stings voice echoed through her ears and in the room. Is she really protecting this man? Who cheated her.

"This can't be true "

Lucy said in a shocked voice. Her whole body is trembling due to the news. Due to what she had heard and saw.

Sting went to her and get her sit on the bed. He give her the glass of water which she drink in just one sip. He pass her the phone.

"Still Lucy.. you think it's not true. Open your Google and search "

Lucy did what sting said with a shaky hands. She typed Natsu Dragneel and due to a famous business man, his details opened in front of her.

He is married for four years.

Phone falls from her hands and crash on the floor.

She can't believe what she saw. She didn't know who he is married to but the girl and their weeding pictures are there on the page.

Sting got up and get her the products which she get from his underground unit. Lucy didn't take it.

she only look at his hands and then at him.


It's a big twist.

Maybe some of you don't like it but believe me it's worth reading further.

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