Truth 2

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When she come outside she is shocked to see what is happening. She couldn't believe her eyes.

Lisanna is standing at middle of the hall screaming like mad. Everyone the maids and all others even lawyer is there. Natsu is standing there with angry expressions.

"You cheated on me. Having relations with another girl despite being married. I will sue you Natsu you __ "

Suddenly lisannas eyes fall on just came Lucy. Lisanna look at Lucy's came near her. She is about to take her arm when Natsu stand in front of her protecting Lucy. He held lisannas arm in mid air before it can reach Lucy. Lisanna get her hand back.

"Do you think I didn't know about your affair with Bickslow since start. Even involving his child as mine. I know your every dirty tricks and the marriage is just because money. Do you think I didn't knew that. You dared to hurt her lisanna. "

Another lawer enter in the mansion at that moment along with Grey. Lisanna look shocked by that.

"Please give her the divorce paper Mr.yoo. "

Natsu said to the lawyer Mr. Yoo.

"You can't divorce me Natsu. You will also lose this property you know that "

Lisanna shouted at him. Her anger is on top. Her every word is a shrill scream.

"I don't care as long as I'm with Lucy "

Natsu held Lucy's arm and look at her. Lucy is looking with even loving eyes. He walk with Lucy to their room leaving others in the hall.

"Why you did that Natsu ? "

"Cause noting is more important for me Lucy other than you now"

Natsu move closer to her and kiss her. They are in their room.

" I'm going for work rest well okay "

Natsu get ready and kiss her one last time before going to the office.

Lucy went out ignoring the screaming lisanna she decided to check the floor which is restricted to go. Lucy went there and then start to search for the thing which everyone is hiding. Since she came here no one has allowed to go there .

She climbed up the floor and there is whole darkness in there. Lucy open the curtains of the floor for some light. There she can see a two rooms. One room is locked but other one is just closed.

Lucy decided to enter there. When she entered inside there she can see the faint light. There is a huge room. It's a palace light but it is dark. Lucy can see person sleeping there in a blanket. Room is very dark so she can't see who it is. She went closer to take a closer look but got the table in between due to it a frame fall down. Lucy bend town to pick up the frame hastily.

Lucy when about to see the frame she heard footsteps she quickly put the frame on table and decided to hide behind the sofa.

One of the maid enter inside with some thing in her hand. It's pushing trolly. On that there are food and medicines also water. The maid put the table near bed and left.

Lucy stood up to look at the person who is laying on the bed. When she get near the person it's a old man. He start coughing badly. Lucy quickly help to sit him up and help him to drink water.

"Grandpa take this "

"How dare you call m_e tha_t "

The man said in angry voice. Lucy got little shock by that but decide to help him.

"Please drink it "

Lucy plead to the old man who angrily through the glass. Lucy get up from the bed in shock. She don't know what to do. The old man has his eyes closed.

"Don't ever come here again lisanna "

Lucy now understands why the man is angry. The old grandpa has considered her the evil lisanna that why he react like this.

"Im not lisanna I'm Lucy "

Lucy again pour the water to help the old man. The old man finally opened his eyes by the name. He start to search frantically for the said girl. Lucy understand and sit in front of him. The old man finally look at her. His hands are shaking he tried to form the words but no use.

Lucy grab his hands. She hold it with both of her handa. She look at him worridly. She tried to recognize him cause it feels to familiar. It's like she know this man from very beginning. It's like she meet him before.

"Said that again what did you call me my child "

"Grandpa "

The grandpa loving place his hand on her face. He cares her face like a grandfather loving his grandchildren.

"My child you are safe.. . You are .. you are bac__k "

The Grandps is crying. His voice is breaking in between. It shows his hard emotions. Lucy on the other hand feel familiar but confused at the same time. She can't able to understand what is happening.

"Do you know me ?"

Lucy said in confusion. She can't able to understand why he is referring her as his child. Do they have any kind of relationship. Her parents died in an accident she didn't know much things about her family. Her parents died at very young gae

"Ofcourse my child.. I'm your grandfather "


Natsu, Erza and Grey are at his office along with lawyer discussing about earlier matter. They look very serious in their tone.

"If Mr. Heartfilia be here this situation won't had happened "

Grey said.

"I know Grey my grandfather and his friend Mr. great Heartfilia has found this company and later gave it to their sons my dad and uncle Heartfilia but when dad went bankrupt and uncle gone through family issues my grandfather and Mr. Great Heartfilia decided to give this company to the girl child born of both family and their grandson has to marry her for the other property "

Natsu explained it to Grey of their family history of how their Grandfathers found this company and all the later history.


The big twist is coming up soon guys.

I am updating everyday.

Enjoy the story.

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