we are parents

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After Natsu carried Lucy in their room. He placed her on the bed. Missing her and Lucy kissed back. Their kiss went on for few minutes later they break it to take a breath.

Lucy stop Natsu from going further. Natsu at first look confused into her. Natsu held her looking into her eyes in worry he asked her.

"What happen Lucy?"

Lucy look into his eyes. Judging by her eyes she want to tell something important to Natsu and Natsu give her the time to tell her. Lucy stand up beside Natsu. She take few minutes to prepare herself for what she want to tell.

"Natau I'm pregnant "

Natau eyes got wide in shock. He is like a statue in front of her. He can't register the information tell by his now wife. But what he wanted has come true. Lucy is pregnant with his child. With his blood. A happy family of them.

"We are going to be parents "

Natsu bend on his knees. He bend to the lever for her stomach. He held her waist. At first looking at Lucy and Lucy give him look that it's true. They both have the glossy eyes.

Natsu look at her stomach again. He kiss her belly. Their child is there. Resting in its mother's womb.

"Thanks baby for choosing us. You didn't know how much happy I am today. How much I wanted you. My baby your father will always protect. Make you  strong and always by your side. Baby thanks for coming in our life. "

His kiss his child once again and standing up and kissing his wife's crown. He can see his image in his wife glossy eyes.

"Thank you so much Lucy. Thanks for coming in my life. Always staying with me. Giving me the most precious family. Thank you so much "


            2 months later

Now Lucy is 2 months pregnant.  The motinsickness is reduced but her weird mood swings is something else. For Natsu it's admirable and cute.

"Natsu we shouldn't eat eggs.  The little babies we kill "

Lucy is crying for this reason. Natsu find it adorable.  He can't laugh at her but just comfort her. What can poor he do the mood swings he has to deal with.


           7 months later

Lucy is currently laying on her bed. The sheets covering her round belly. It's hard for her move around and do work because she is now 8 months pregnant.  Natsu always stays by her side but due to his office it's also hard for him.

Once even Lucy tell him to take paternity leave but who can he ask leave to as he is himself a boss of the company. 

Still despite his work he finds time to stay with Lucy. Helping her wear her Sleppers and things she fall on ground helping to pick them up. He helps her get up by hugging her and pulling her upward. Even eating her weird dishes with her.

Today Lucy decided to take a walk in the garden. Admiring the flowers. That's when she feel the liquid dripping from her legs. Their still one and half mounth for child to come.

"Ahh "

The painful moan left from her mouth dur to the contraction.  Natsu who is also there giving her company went to her side in no time. He help her to sit on the beanch nearby.

"Lucy what happened "

He is also panicked caused it's too sudden. It's her eight month but she is having contractions now.

Natsu carried her in a car. He now in front of a emergency room. They reach the hospital. Lucy is carried to a emergency room. Where Natsu is not allowed to go. The doctors tell him to wait outside.

Lucy is going through c-section. It is a premature birth. Gruvia and levy is also there. Everyone is worried about Lucy. The light of ICU went off. Natsu quickly went in front of the door.

"Doctor is she okay ?"

Natsu asked in worried voice.

"Congrats Mr. Dragneel you have a son and your wife is fine. She just need some rest "

"Can I see her "

"Sure "

Natsu went inside wearing mask, cap and lab coat. He see Lucy is laying on the bed. The IV is connected to her wrist she looks pale. Natsu immediately went toward. When he gone close he can see a small baby is there. Who is lying on her bare chest. They both are covered with sheets.

Natsu went Close to them. Lucy noticed his presence and look at him. The calmness in her eys. Natsu kiss Lucy's forehead. He look at the little boy. He is laying on his mothres bossom to keep him warm.

"He is adorable "

They both look at their tiny bundle of joy. How peacefully he is sleeping. His little hand is out holding his mother. The sight is too adorable.

"That you Lucy thanks my baby "

Natsu kiss her on lips and kiss the little boys forehead. He is happiest man today. He became father today. Their family has now new addition. A tiny version of him and Lucy.

Everyone outside celebrated the arrival of new member. Lucy's grandfather also know the news. He feel much happy beyond no one can explain.

Lucy and Natsu after some days bring their little boy home. Everyone celebrated there baby's arrival. The name of the was give as

"Luca "

 "Luca "

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Thanks for reading and all the support . The story ends here.

I will release epilog if possible.

My dear readers thanks for reading and showing support. 

Thank you so much 😉❤


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