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200 years ago, our city won an important war. One that put the human race in threat of extinction. It was devastating, and the fact that billions died is something I'll never be able to process. It almost seems impossible: that there is no human life beyond the walls of Chicago.

Since the victory, the city divided into five factions, each displaying different characteristics and moral beliefs. They were an attempt to keep the peace between the citizens of the city, and prevent a tragedy like the war ever happening again.

When you reach the age of eighteen, you attend a choosing ceremony to pick which of the five factions you want to be apart of, declare which values you believe.

I was born into Amity. My faction strives for a peaceful lifestyle. We believe a war is impossible in such an environment. If people get on, conflict is impossible. We are taught many virtues. From kindness and aiding people, there is never any disagreements.

We spend our days farming the land, and providing the rest of the city with food from our harvest. We are easily recognised through our brightly coloured clothing. The faction is represented by a lady called Johanna Reyes, who was unanimously voted to take on the role.

Candor is the faction of honesty. They believe that a war is preventable if no secrets can be kept. They value freedom and fairness, and are recognised through their black and white clothing. I suppose that reflects how they see the world. They believe in a right and wrong, see situations in black and white.

Like my faction, they don't have a leader. Instead, they are represented by a man named Jack Khang.

Then there's abnegation. The members value selflessness, and believe putting others first is the way a war can be prevented. It even reaches the point where they forget themselves because they are that focused on others. They live a plain lifestyle, living in grey concrete houses and wearing plain grey styles. Personally, I think it is a boring life, but I suppose helping others is rewarding.

The faction is led by a man named Marcus Eaton. He is the only Eaton left in abnegation. His wife died a few years ago, and his son transferred factions two years ago.

Dauntless are the protectors of Chicago. They are free, brave and strong. I've always admired how they aren't discouraged in the face of danger. The members always wear black, and display artwork on their body and have metal piercings.

It's led by multiple people, and currently run by a large group. The main person I know who runs it is called Max, he's been to Amity numerous times to meet with Johanna.

Finally there is erudite, a close ally of dauntless. The faction is intelligent, and develops all things important in the city through research and experimentation. They think a war can be prevented if humans are not ignorant and understand more about society. They value logic and knowledge. They wear blue, and most members wear glasses. I wonder if it is to make them look smarter, or if they all have bad vision.

It's run by a lady called Jeanine Matthews. And everyone knows who she is. She could be classed as the leader of the city.

She is the one that decided that eighteen year olds should take the aptitude test before they attend the choosing ceremony, and developed a simulation serum. The aptitude test is meant to tell you what faction you belong to, and point out if your divergent.

People who are divergent fit into all the factions. Jeanine says this is dangerous, because it means they don't feel a sense of loyalty to their faction. I've never met a divergent person, but based on how she describes them I don't want to.

I have got my aptitude test tomorrow morning.

That means there is only one more day until I would find out what faction I really belong in.

Growing up in amity, I'd always been surrounded with the quiet and peaceful life. The self-sustainable life, where everyone got on.

Everyday had been filled with music, dressed in clothes of bright colours. Nothing was dull or boring.

Sure, it had been a nice lifestyle. Days spent in the sun, chatting and working with the community. But it wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't happy. I didn't feel like I really fit in. I just  couldn't imagine my future there.

One more day.

This time tomorrow I'd know exactly where I was supposed to be, and I was certain I knew what result I'd get.

Only one more day, then I could make my
decision with certainty at the choosing ceremony.

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now